Take a good look Stephen Sizer, Gary Burge, Colin Chapman and Lynne Hybels! These are the words of Simon Deng, once a Sudanese slave. He is addressing the Durban Conference […]
What George W Bush calls a religion of peace and tolerance when he placed the Koran in the White House to honor Islam after September 11th. His father, George H […]
Japanese Buddhism: The Large Vehicle in the Far East by Scott Noble ([email protected]) July 25, 2013 Japan is an incredible nation with impressive inventions, a unique culture, and a brilliantly […]
Escaped child bride, 11, explains why she fled. “Go ahead and marry me off ” I”ll kill myself”: Escaped child bride, 11, explains why she ran away from home. Nada […]
23/07/2013 by Pat Franklin Unicef reveals today that 125 million little girls have had their genitals cut off in the barbarous practice of female genital mutilation. It is the equivalent […]
July 16, 2013 Melanie’s Blog Consternation in Israel over the EU”s malicious decision to boycott individuals or institutions situated over the “Green Line” between Israel and the disputed territories. […]
This is an example of how all of those billions of dollars, pounds, and euros given in aid to the (so called) Palestinian cause are spent. How can anyone in […]
The US Government allows a Moslem cleric to denounce Christians and Jews as filth quoting from the Islamic scriptures. If someone responds by calling Islamic filth however it us called […]
June 27, 2013 The true face of fundamentalist Islam. NIGERIA ” The UN says nothing. The media says nothing. The Vatican says nothing. The World Council of Churches says nothing. […]
June 18, 2013 front Page Mag The six teenage boys put on trial for the gang rape of a 15-year-old girl represent a rainbow of Muslim diversity. There are Turks, […]