James Jacob Prasch572 Videos

Ep.82 CUWJ: Jesus the Only Light in the Darkness

Excerpt from Catching Up With Jacob Episode 82 | Is There Any Light in This Darkness Marco and Jacob discuss Rick Warren’s final words to the SBC, and explain what […]

Refining Fire?

A Heretical Group Based on the Spriit of Error, Ignorance, Charlatanism & a Most Absurd Stupidity By Jacob Prasch Moriel has warned of various hyper-Messianic type groups with heretical Christologies […]

CUWJ Ep 91: Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

Excerpt from Catching UP With Jacob Episode 91 | What Are They Thinking. In this episode, Marco and Jacob discuss the comments made by ultra-leftist Sam Harris; Liz Cheney’s defeat […]