Dear believers in grace, Open Air PreachingLast month and the previous month we went open air preaching in an area where there are many tourists. Micah and Isaiah both preached […]
Herescope Part 4: Civic Church Anti-Semitism Exhibit: Dirk saving the thief-chaser[1] In the year 1569 Dirk was arrested at Asperen in Holland for committing a crime against both the Church […]
Part 1: The White Lab Coats “…FAKE prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.” (Mark 13:22)
EXHIBIT: “When the Nazis Desecrated the Jewish Cemetery of Salonika”[1] News release: “The New York Times will no longer be publishing political cartoons following the uproar surrounding an anti-Semitic depiction […]
Part 1: A Christian Responds One of the lessons we learn from studying Jewish history is that anti-Semitism corrupts the people and the societies possessed by it. ~Paul Johnson, A […]
OBITUARY – BROTHER DAVID PAWSON “THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS” I once told my friend David Pawson a number of years back that he was the proverbial “LAST OF THE […]
MORIEL OBITUARY – PASTOR STEVE MITCHELL The Lord took me to Hosea 13: 14 this morning in my devotions before I opened my email and learned from John, in the […]
OBITUARY – DAVID LISTER Sr, Jan 18, 2022 David Lister Sr., our dear friend and brother in The Lord , and father of Moriel’s International Administrator David Lister, has gone […]