Moriel Thailand Mission Report January 2013
Dear believers in grace,
Merry Incarnation Day!, Though we are “prison singers,” (behind a few bars and missing the key) we went out caroling twice last week., On Wednesday a group from Youth for Christ came here and we went to two different houses (they are actually pretty good singers)., Then, on Saturday we took Khae’s English/Bible class out to sing at five more houses., Most of these houses were very surprised to see us., We sang songs, gave them a tin of cookies, shared a short message and gave them gospel tracts., This is a great opportunity at Christmas time to share the gospel.
In our Saturday class, one of the boys wears an idol necklace and says he doesn’t believe in God., Last week I asked him if he believed the pen he was holding had a maker., He said yes., Then, I told him that we don’t see the maker of the pen, but that the pen is the evidence that there is a maker., Then, I asked him which is more complex- the pen or the human body., Obviously the human body is., And, I asked him which is more complex- an airplane, a computer, or a tree., He said an airplane., I asked him, “do we have factories for making airplanes and computers?”, , He said, “yes.”, “Do we have factories for making trees?”, He said “no.”
This is beyond human capability., Trees are “high tech,” whereas computers and airplanes are “low tech” in comparison., It’s a blessing to have these students come study with us., Normally we teach the students English and Bible for two hours., Recently we decided to expand the program to include a Christian movie and lunch., So, the students are excited about that, and they get more gospel input through the movie.

Also, we went to a wheelchair distribution last week and saw two of my former students from the junior high school., We gave them some tracts and talked with them about the gospel some more, and made some balloons for them, too.
The Women’s prison has recently moved., Here are some pictures of the old prison with the guards and prisoners getting ready to leave., Because of this move we have not been there to teach for a few weeks now, but hope to go to start up at their new location in January.
Attached here is a paper I wrote about mysticism in the 12th and 13th centuries and how these ideas are still affecting people today.
In Christ,

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