Prayer Request

Moriel & Jacob Prasch request prayer for Brother Alan McIntyre who is in Cyprus recovering from major cancer surgery of a very serious nature. Please pray for Alan’s recovery and that the cancer has been eradicated by The Lord’s grace.
Alan operates a blog and represents Moriel on a volunteer basis In Cyprus. Alan had  been a senior ranking fire fighter in Liverpool, England but took early retirement after objecting to firefighters being compelled to March in Homosexual parades and attend ‘gay sensitivity’ training during the era of  Tony Blaire’s government, knowing that unless they unlikely repent which Romans chapter 1 states is unlikely once God ‘gives the practitioners of such lifestyles over to it’ , such persons whom Alan desired to see saved will be in a situation where all of the firefighters in Great Britain will not be able to extinguish the fires of eternal hell or rescue a single one of them.
After retirement Alan did not retire from ministry and helped organise Moriel day seminars etc. in North Wales before relocating Cyprus which is near Israel where he and wife frequently visit.
Your prayers for Alan and his family and his ministry as well as wisdom for his physicians are deeply valued.
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