Those that deny “˜penal substitution’ are “the enemies of the cross of Christ” [Philippians 3:18]

Over recent years there has been a steady build up of opposition to and outright rejection of what some term as “˜the theory’ of “˜penal substitution’. Amongst the definitions for ,  “˜theory’ is one that reads ““ “˜a conjectural view or idea’. When it comes then to understanding what was happening on “the cross of Christ” for the faithful Christian the doctrine of “˜penal substitution’ is not a matter of “˜conjecture’ but it is the factual and glorious heartbeat that sustains God’s gift of “eternal life” [Romans 6:23]. “˜Penal substitution’ is a factual divine truth that leaps from the pages of the Bible and to deny otherwise is quite simply to set oneself up as an “˜enemy of the cross of Christ’.

To begin with I want to quote a few lines from my own personal testimony that for years has been posted to our ministry web site ““

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