Kim Clement Prophesies That Barack Obama Will Win. Elijah”s List Prophesies That Sarah Palin”s Win. Who Is Right?

Jesus Christology

Elijah”s list claiming that it is the will of God for Sarah Palin to win:

Recent Rantings from the ” ˜New Apostles”: The Coming Election and the Angel Named ‚  Union

Kim Clement claiming that it is God’s Will for Barack Obama to win:

False Prophet Kim Clement Says President Barack HUSSEIN Obama Will Bring Peace To Middle ‚  East

So Pentecostal Word of Faith charismatics, since these are BOTH anointed true prophets of God bringing fresh wine and new oil – or is it fresh oil and new wine – how can they both be right? Well, for one, it is obvious that NONE OF THESE PEOPLE GIVE TWO CENTS ABOUT JOHN MCCAIN OR JOE BIDEN! So maybe Barack Obama will win, ask Joe Biden to step down, and make Sarah Palin his vice president? Or maybe it is that ALL OF THESE PEOPLE ARE LIARS, FRAUDS, AND FALSE PROPHETS THAT ARE GOING TO DO FLOATING BELLYFLOPS INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE?!?!

By the way, both of these “prophecies”  seem to strongly hint that Jesus Christ will return in 2012 or thereabouts. Since these people are LIARS, then it is far more likely that Jesus Christ will come back in 2237. Even if the rapture is a correct doctrine, IF YOU FOLLOW THESE LICENTIOUS THIEVES AND LIARS YOU WILL MISS IT! We will be five years into the scenarios depicted in the “Left Behind”  movies and these guys will still be making prophecies AND STILL MAKING YOU PAY THEM FOR IT!

Now there is only one theological way – and it is a false theology by the way – that these “prophets”  cannot be in conflict: if you believe in the open theism heresy (or apostasy). According to open theism, God’s Will, plan, providence, etc. changes or adapts to accommodate or fit the actions of man. Applying it here, Obama WAS God’s choice to be president according to the conditions of the time, but McCain’s choosing Palin caused (forced?) an adaptation on God’s part. While it is theoretically possible to salvage the doctrine of God’s sovereignty and ultimate control over history with this doctrine in a macro level, it is impossible to maintain that God rules the life of each person with this doctrine. The general direction of a nation and world, especially in an eschatological sense? Yes. Specifics regarding an individual, or perhaps even any number of people? Impossible. But realize: this is merely taking free will Arminian decision Christianity to its logical conclusion! Once you abandon “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”  to “free will”  in one area, it is impossible not to do so in others. A bigger issue: open theism, especially in matters like these, does harm to the doctrine of God’s being transcendent, meaning His being totally separate from creation, especially space – time. This doctrine makes God’s actions – and therefore God Himself – much more dependent on and a function of time, inching us ever closer to pagan systems. There is also a hint of Roman Catholicism working here. Roman Catholic doctrine actually holds that Mary had the ability to decline being used in the incarnation of Jesus Christ, and had she done so Jesus Christ would have never been born, and either mankind would have never been redeemed, or God would have had to come up with something else! Roman Catholics solve the implications of this by resorting to the Remonstrants’ “predestiny through foreknowledge”  notion, which is that God knew in advance that Mary would consent to obeying Him, and took it into account in His plans. Again, logical conclusion of what is a Roman Catholic doctrine. The fact that “predestined foreknowledge”  contradicts “open theism” ? Ah, who cares. All that matters is that one has to reject Calvinism to support both, and rejecting Reformed doctrines so that man (whether individually or through institutions like the earth and government are ultimately in control on earth, making God the ruler of heaven only) is what it is all about.

back from my digression, let me go ahead and give you the details of the Elijah List prophecies as given by PJ Miller. I am not making this stuff up. I really couldn’t if I tried. (Although some of the “special revelations”  that I used to get back when I was in this movement were close ” ¦)

The arrogance and power-seeking false predictive words which come from these people is laughable. But when they start ” ˜prophesying’ about having authority within secular governments and nations, they shouldn’t be ignored, because the real ” ˜dark’ power working behind, in, or through these people is seeking to do exactly that. The words below come from dominionists and false teachers, ‚  Bob and Bonnie Jones and Jeff Jansen.

A few quotes and link..

From the launching pad of all that is false on the Internet, ‚  The Elijah List:

A New Apostolic Government by 2012

In the last 30 years we’ve seen a restoration of the prophetic – true prophets have been restored to the Church. ‚  But now we are about to see a restoration of the apostolic – true apostles are arising. The prophets bring the revelation and the apostles bring the application.

These apostles will be men and women like Joshua – ‚  leaders that bring the rest into the Promised Land. These apostles will not be appointed by man, but by God. In fact, many of them will look extremely different from what we would call “apostolic.”  ‚  This new breed of apostolic order will not fear losing their reputation nor be concerned about what the newspapers are saying” ¦

You can’t persecute the anointing and the glory of God or you’ll miss it. ‚  These apostles will speak to nations and cause a shift in the natural and the spiritual.Revival will break out and ‚  new regions will be changed as the Lord establishes ‚  new governmental order. This is not a man thing” ¦this is a God thing!

We will see an entirely new apostolic government in place by ‚  2012.

At this time, we will see the Church being put together and growing into a habitation for the Spirit of God: ‚  “” ¦in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit”  (Ephesians 2:21-22).

The Coming Election and the Angel Named Union

Right now it is extremely important to pray for the coming election. The ‚  winds of change ‚  are blowing. We must pray for this ‚  Godly Vice President. September is the month that will make the difference – ‚  this is the month it begins. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, starts the night of September 29th.

Right now God is harvesting harvesters for the great harvest. ‚  By ‚  2012 ‚  we will see a genuine apostolic government in place. From there we will see others come alongside and do what they are called to do.

We are in the middle of one of the greatest changes in history. ‚  These next eight years ‚  will be full of joy if the Church steps into authority and God’s righteous people are elected. It’s time to begin to bless instead of curse. The mind of Christ will be released to true followers with a fresh vision, ‚  new anointing, and plenty of provision.

We are going to see Roe vs. Wade overturned. It’s time to bless the United States and not curse her. ‚  Bob Jones heard Kate Smith singing God Bless America. This is the United States of America. We are united by diversity, and ‚  the angel over this nation is named “Union”  – we are united by diversity and strengthened by union.


Bonnie Jones’ Dream

In a recent dream, Bonnie Jones was visited by the Lord. In the dream, the Lord came to Bonnie and led her on a journey. The first place the Lord took Bonnie was a massive storehouse filled with organs and body parts. The Lord allowed Bonnie to put her right hand (faith) into this storehouse where she held all different types of organs and limbs. She felt ‚  He was teaching her to have the faith “of”  God, not faith “in”  God.

The Lord continued to escort Bonnie on the journey. The next place was on a bridge and then over railroad tracks. ‚  The bridge and the railroad tracks formed a cross, symbolizing “righteousness and justice.” 

Next they went to 22nd Street. The Lord was giving her ‚  the key of David out of Isaiah 22:22, “Then I will set the key of the house of David on His shoulder, when He opens no one will shut, when He shuts no one will open.”  She looked up and in the distance saw Lake Superior. ‚  The Lord is about to do something far superior to what we’ve recently witnessed.

Next she was holding a map. The instructions said, ‚  “When you come to 9th Street, take a hard right.”  When they took a right on 9th Street the dream ended.

Bonnie is from Ohio, so when she woke up she knew where Lake Erie was, but not exactly where the other Great Lakes were. She decided to check the atlas and found where she was in the dream while looking at Lake Superior. She was in the extreme northern point of Wisconsin in an unincorporated village named Cornucopia – ‚  which represents an “open portal and the blessings of God.”  Looking straight ahead at Lake Superior are the 22 Apostle Islands. Interestingly enough, there are 22 apostles recorded in the New Testament.

True Apostles are Being Released

What Bonnie saw in this visionary encounter with the Lord is parabolic of what God is bringing in this hour. In this season ‚  the Lord is restoring true apostles in the earth. As this ‚  apostolic government comes into view and is established, the Lord is releasing new keys – governmental keys of Kingdom authority that will be matched by no other generation.

Creative miracles, signs, and wonders will be witnessed in unparalleled ways as the Lord firmly establishes and confirms this new government. It will look nothing like what we’ve witnessed or heard of to date. There will be upheavals and shakings in the earth that will confirm what is happening in the spiritual – the natural proclaiming the spiritual.

What the Lord is about to do is far superior to anything He has done before.

Creative miracles – ‚  arms, legs, body parts, and organs will come down from Heaven. There will be ‚  no ebb – no end!

Your source is in Heaven, and this Heavenly warehouse is opening. Body parts will be issued to the Body, but ‚  there ‚  needs to be a government to do this. This will not be about a certain leader or leaders in particular, but an entire Church government and Body that will function in unity.

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