Moriel Missions Uganda Report

There is a lot I could say about our trip to Uganda, but to get a picture of what went on there I will try and present the good, the bad and the ugly. Not that this is a criticism of Uganda or Ugandan people, it is however a picture that you will find in most East Africa or third world countries. A picture of tyrants, victims, heroic deeds, heroes and a system that seems impossible to break unless Jesus comes quickly.

Jacob and I have been planning this trip for two years, but ill health and bad timing seemed to put it off for the both of us, time and time again. Eventually a break in our diaries and a sponsor for air flights meant that our visit to Carol Adams was on at last and so we made our way to Entebbe. You may recognise the name of the place as the airport where Israeli military landed during the reign of Tyrant and demonically possessed ruler Idi Amin to rescue a plane full of hostages. Our flight was 4 hours, give or take and then we had an approximate 6 hours by road to the city of Fort Portal. Carol Adams our host met us and during our trip along this Chinese built poorly constructed highway we got to know about the ministry she founded simply called “˜Y.E.S’ ‚  or Youth Encouragement Ministries.

YES is split up into several areas. A $6 a night hostel for back packers, voted best in East Africa by Lonely planet, this place offers a soft bed, clean sheets and ablutions for the adventurous. More importantly it is a base of funding for other parts of the ministry and contains Carols home and offices. This means that a good portion of what she does has its administration needs met.

Then we have educational upliftment, between 3-400 children are placed in schools around Fort Portal (56) with fee’s completely payed for by the ministry.

But to me and Jacob, yet only 10% of the ministry there is Manner Childrens refuge. The ministry is a hotel for 30 or so HIV children. Here they find food, clothing ARV treatment and a lot of love. We were blessed to take part in a party for one little girl called Brenda who was being adopted by a family from the USA. The morning of the party had seen her go to court with her perspective parents and have the judge rule favourably. That evening we ate meat (a once a week treat normally) drank soda and sweets were dealt out by Uncle Jacob . It was like Christmas for these kids.

Carol Admas was a great host. Kind and gentle she has turned a hopeless situation around for hundreds of children. Some have themselves become Doctors and teachers, putting back into the communities what was given to them by Carol and her team. In Fort Portal, as indeed Entebbe it is evident that despots and tyrants have been in power. In several places Libyan Colonal Gadaffe has built monuments in the way of palaces to himself, Amin and the Ugandan King and its sad to say that these dominate the horizons. However like shooting stars they have had their moment of fame and infamy but now they are gone. However the work that Carol and her team are doing is generational as children are blessed, grow and give a legacy that will last beyond Carol’s years. She to me is a real hero.


The cost of selfless service has been taking its toll. Although Carol will never complain I think its important that she takes time out to resolve some medical issues. The cost of running an HIV program as you know is high and I think we can contribute from Ebyowns experience to ensure the children get the care that our own have been blessed with. Although ARVs are good, monitoring conditions and dietary requirements is important. Let us pray that with supporters involvement we can raise the bar for the childrens health care.

We observed the good, the bad and the ugly. I could go on and speak about poverty and the violence we observed but that is not our focus this time. Out focus is on kids like Mable who has her hair falling out. Children who have skin infections that we need to address and a diet that needs broadening. On a quick note please pray for a family of children that joined our party. They came in morning. Their father had suddenly died, he was a worker with the ministry. The eldest girl 14 years of age trying to look after the other four. No income, no food, terrible. They had been observed eating from the gutter. Well for what its worth $50 a month can help this ministry feed and clothe them.

I don’t know when I will be back, but this trip impacted on both me and Jacob. I pray that in the spirit of Psalm 68 v 5-6 it will touch your heart too.

In Jesus


Psalm 68:5-6


PS David Royle
Director Moriel Missions
Po Box 210
Napier 7270
Western Cape
South Africa
Tel: +27(0)28 423 3785
Cell: 0823739297 ‚  Logo_40x45




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