Moriel Missions Southern Africa – November 2005

Dear friends

First of all please accept my apologies for the delay in our newsletter. Since our last letter in June so many things have happened that it has been difficult to actually make time to write to you all. But thank you to the many people who have sent us letters of encouragement and continued support with ministry gifts.

One of the things which the Lord has been speaking to me about is the way that Yeshua Himself had to spend time away from the crowd and find a solitary place so that He could spend quality time in prayer with the father. When I pastored in the UK, I would often go to the Hills around Manchester and speak to the Lord seeking direction; here in South Africa, because of the form of ministry we have undertaken, it has become difficult to spend time alone and because of this I confess that I had become dry and basically on my way to being burnt out, in need of spiritual refreshing. It’s amazing isn’t it, that we know what we must do to be refreshed, I have even taught about it. But when it comes to applying these principles into our daily walk we often find a million and one things to do rather than spend time alone with Him. The reason why I am sharing this is because on my Australia visit, I had the opportunity to stay with a friend with NOTHING to do for four days ” “ it was marvelous. There was the word, the Lord and I and it was enough. My friends, sometimes life can fill all our time with its own agendas and priorities, even things that seem important can come along and like time thieves, suck us dry, rendering our lives and ministries a barren wasteland. My hope is simple, that even if this encourages one person to reprioritise their lives around Him, then it was all worth it.

Yours in His name
Pastor Dave Royle

Ebyown Children’s Village

Since we moved onto the property in June tremendous steps have been made in meeting our final objective. In fact it’s like living on a building site with work continuing on a daily basis. The following has been achieved

  • A two-acre compound has been isolated with palisade fence. This also has razor wire for security.
  • The house now has an alarm monitoring system with armed response.
  • The garage which once held the church has been converted into a nicely tiled and decorated lounge/diner measuring 9.5m x 4.5m
  • The kitchen has been redesigned with a 2x3m larder/storeroom
  • The lounge has been turned into an extra bedroom and we can now accommodate 16 orphans.
  • The front garden has been developed and fencing and paths placed
  • A school room has been erected
  • An office has been erected
  • A cottage for missionaries with shower/bathroom and kitchenette has been built
  • A play area with extra climbing frame has been fenced and cordoned off
  • A garage for the ministry vehicles has been erected
  • A septic tank has now been completed, which will accommodate the final village capacity.
  • Rewiring and plumbing has taken place and so much more

All this has been achieved in the last few months and God willing the next few months will see

  • The building of a laundry
  • Extend the school room which is now at capacity
  • Complete plans for a 4 bedroom unit to be built in the early new year
  • Paint the main house

Thank you to all who have made this possible with their giving and especially to those who have come on board and given of their skills.

Ebyown Children

Since moving we have increased the number of children and there are more on the way. While speaking in the UK, Jacob was approached by someone who was under the impression that Ebyown is government financed. To set the record straight, out of the hundreds of thousands of Rand spent by Moriel, not one red cent has come from the South African government towards the building of facilities and the running costs. We fund all our projects from the free will offerings of our supporters.

Please let me introduce you to our new kids first of all

Luke is nearly six moths old. His twin sister died on the 11th of October a couple of days before he came to us. He is terribly underweight, HIV+ and a symptomatic problems. We are having to treat him for TB. He has an amazing smile (log onto the Moriel web site for pics) but is also in pain quite often. It looks as though ARV’s will be administered soon after the TB treatment.

Baden (named after Dave’s dad) is 5 weeks old and as cute as a button. He was premature and very tiny, even now only 2,6kg. Although he carries the HIV antibodies we believe that Baden will revert when he is older because he does not show any signs of HIV and is thriving at this moment. One thing is for certain, at 40+ Lyn and I didn’t expect to be feeding babes at 2am

Devon, although still behind developmentally, is showing encouraging signs. We took him for scans and appointments with a pediatrician in neural damage and the diagnosis was Foetal alcohol syndrome compounded by oxygen deprivation at birth giving him at five years the development of a 5 month old baby. This is also not helped by the neglect he received plus his epilepsy. Praise God, he is now on treatment for the epilepsy and with Lyn’s regime of physiotherapy, he is now much more aware of his surroundings. He loves music and at times were he seems stressed we put on a CD and it quietens him down.

S’phewi, is doing fine although he has his days. The latest was at the clinic having his check up. The nurse examined his ears and looked puzzled. She said “it looks red as though his ear drum is bleeding” . Anyway she wanted a second opinion and so she called a second sister in. The second sister said, “Yes its bead’s, a red bead in the right ear and a green bead in the left” . You can imagine our embarrassment.

Johannes is generally well and enjoying his schoolwork. His CD4 count though again has fallen for the third time and so it is inevitable that he will have to go onto ARV’s sooner than later.

Prudence Praise God gave her life to Jesus the other week. It was a thrill as her new parents to see the trust that she has placed in the Lord. On top of this she is blossoming as a young lady, being very motherly by helping with the babies at feeding time.

N’tombi is also well, her ARV’s doing the job they were designed to do and she continues to put on weight. Her favourite thing at the moment is acting as mummy to the babies and this carries over to a new interest in her dolls.

Paulina is now walking and grows in confidence every day. We made a DVD of the children if anyone is interested and not only do the kids give you a tour of Ebyown you see Polly as we call her, walking using her little walking frame.

As you can imagine, with all the extra work Lyn gets quite tired. Please uphold Lyn in your prayers. I thank the Lord, not only for here but also for my two sons Chris and Aaron who are very much a part of our team. They make little fuss about feeding babies, preparing meals and even changing the odd bottom.

Our eldest son Anthony as you know moved back to the UK last September. Well he met a lovely girl called Liz, her father is pastor of Woodhill Baptist Church Colwyn bay in Wales and Liz and Anthony are to be married. The service will take place on March 25th 2006 and God willing we will all be their as a family.

Australia and UK Visits

I would like to thank Marg Godwin in Australia and Dena Alderton in the UK for arranging these preaching tours. Also to the churches that hosted me and my Mom and dad again who let me drag my weary bones to bed at all hours of the early morning after traveling back from some churches. If anyone wants to hear the messages, then please contact Marg in Australia.

One of the special venues we had was at The Carlton club, St James London. A group of South African ex-pats led by Jonathan Sieff, took it upon themselves to raise money for Ebyown by climbing the three peaks. Not only did they have a great time doing it, they raised around 30k sterling for the ongoing work. So it was to the Carlton club that Jacob Prasch, my son Chris and I, went to meet the guys, speak about the work and receive an envelope full of sponsorship cheques.

Thank you guys for all the effort you put in and for the hospitality and love you showed us on that evening.

Next Years Itineraries

In 2006 Dave hopes by the grace of God to be sharing and developing missions in the following places. We will announce venues as they come in.

January ‚   12th ” “ 17th HIV Mission to Kenya

March 2nd ” “ 28th Itinerate UK, Ireland and attend and officiate Anthony and Liz’s wedding.

May ” “ Australia

September ” “ UK

November – India

Pastor Bernard Mathe

Bernard as usual is very busy. His week includes pastoral visits, cottage meetings on the squatter camp and church services. At the moment Bernard’s school work has had to be sidelined since Christmas. As you may know when little Abigail came along she was found to have Turners syndrome with kidney complications. Numerous trips to the hospital have meant that some of Bernard’s work had to be put to one side. On top of this, with the restructuring of Moriel Missions, I placed Bernard solely in charge of Moriel community Fellowship and its development and told him not to get involved with to much community work until the church was properly established. This has meant that Bernard can spend appropriate time with his family and concentrate on local evangelism. So please pray for Bernard and his wife Mabel, as you can imagine, when you preach the gospel faithfully, the evil one will raise up those who will try and pull down.


We thank the Lord for our brother Ps Norbert who heads Moriel Missions in Tanzania. Norbert has been promoting the college and preaching the gospel. The result being many new students and in a country that is infested with Islam and false teachers a recognition that solid bible based churches need to be planted. The result being the first Moriel Church in Tanzania. The Moriel Worship centre has around 50 adults plus children. Please pray that against much opposition from Islam, that these faithful brothers and sisters will stand firm in the gospel of peace.

New Church Plant

We want to praise God for a new fellowship in Pretoria. A group of believers have got together with Ps Bernard Mathe and a second Moriel Community fellowship has been born. Please pray for this fledgling group that the stand firm in His word.

New Child Care Centre

In January 2006 we will see the establishing of Moriel Community fellowships child care centre for kwazinzele. This is a new venture and is being established at grass root level with few facilities. It is our hope to feed the malnourished and give a place of safety and nurture to pre-school children who often find themselves neglected in this community. Again if you feel a burden, why not help out in some way?


It is with pleasure that we will see the return of Salvadore to the SA mission field in early April. Please pray for his visa and all other practical things. Salvadore could also do with a little more personal monthly sponsorship to get by. So if the Lord leads you to give him a regular monthly amount, please contact him personally at [email protected]

Gospel Tent Stolen

Don’t worry we got it back the next day. Seems someone took a liking to our red and white stripped tent and decided to borrow it during a midnight thunder storm. The culprits were not caught but God knows those who did it.


Dave Lister once again visits in January were we will be taking a trip up to Kenya to do an HIV Gospel mission. Dave will also be speaking at a campaign in Endicott and I hope to have various other venues too.

We have the pleasure of welcoming Erin Fazakerly this late January to assist in mission and helping Lyn wit the children. Please pray that this time will be a blessing t her and her fellowship.


We are pleased to announce the sponsor of a generator for Neema children’s home and a bicycle for one of the church workers.

This January we are taking a small team to preach at some churches near engineer where we will have our HIV education road-show plus the gospel preached by Dave Lister and myself. Please pray that as the facts about HIV prevention and treatment are shared along with the gospel that hearts will be touched.

To take a team to Kenya is expensive. If you feel burdened to share in the cost, please contact me on [email protected]

Prayer Points

  • The Lords protection from the word and deed of the evil one
  • Uplift Bernard, Mabel and their family and ministry
  • For ourselves and the growing Ebyown community
  • For Pastor John and his wife Esther in Kenya
  • For Erin as she prepares to come to Africa
  • For Irene from New Zealand who is coming later this year
  • For Dave Lister as he prepares to visit
  • For Salvadore who is looking forward to coming over for another three years
  • For our day to day needs, that they may be met by the Lord
  • That we continue to keep in His will and be able to rest in Him


2005 was a year of challenge, which has seen our ministry stretched beyond belief. It has seen a move to a new home for ourselves, more children cared for and even some ministries laid to rest. We have seen people come and people go. We have made new friends and even a few enemies. We have seen children and adults come to saving faith in Jesus and praise God we have seen all our material and financial needs met.

First of all we would like to thank our great god and glorious saviour Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit for everything the have blessed us with and the lessons they have taught us. I pray we come to 2006 a little more wiser and more refined.

Secondly, we recognize that God has used his arms and legs on earth, our dear brothers and sisters in all the above areas. We want to thank everyone who has given prayerful time, given finances, given their manual skills, given us a rebuke in love where we needed it.

Thirdly, we want to especially thank our families, fellow board members and admin people. They don’t realize that when they phone or email an encouragement to us, it is usually Gods timing and at a place where we need it the most. May the Lord bless you.

Our prayer is that 2006 will again be a blessed year and also one year nearer messiahs return ” “ come Lord Jesus.


For Royle family support

Brenda & Baden Royle
2 Cressington Close
Off Derby Road
Salford 6
Manchester UK
0161 737 2996

Email: [email protected]

For ministry support please contact

Pastor Phil Baldwin
25 Engels House
Trafford Road
Manchester UK
Tel: 0161 789 3203
[email protected]

Our South Africa details

Pastor David Royle
Po Box 10807
Strubenvale 1570
South Africa
Tel/Fax: 011 730 1719

Email: [email protected]


You can now make a donation via your credit card by logging onto and going to the USA site. Go into the shopping section on the left hand menu and you will see the various ministries.

You can also give by contacting your local Moriel Office. Visit our website at

Important New Law

FISCA, a law passed in South Africa to stop money laundering has asked if address details of financial supporters could be written on the back of any cheques made payable to the ministry. Your help in this matter would help us speed up the banking process. Thank you for your help in this matter.

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