Moriel Missions Southern Africa May 2006 Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your prayers during April; it”s been a difficult yet exciting month for us all with the children having a variety of illnesses and having to be away unexpectedly in Australia.

On the 5 th I flew to Australia to attend the funeral of our co-administrator Ross Godwin. I think funeral is the wrong word for this meeting of family and friends as it was something special. Ross knew Jesus was going to call him home and was at perfect peace with that fact. The time he had at the end was spent with his wife Marg and family but also planning the service. It contained his favourite hymns, stories, pictures, memories and the instruction to the Pilgrim fellowship elders John Kidd and Michael Shafton to preach an uncompromising Gospel message so that all his unsaved family and friends could have the opportunity of spending eternity with him and with Jesus. What took place could hardly be called a funeral but a celebration of a life well lived by those who loved him. It”s a great comfort to know that from Ross”s perspective, his entering the Lords presence would only shortly proceed those who love the Lord as Heaven is outside of Space and Time. From our perspective we will have to Pilgrim a little longer before we are united with our Lord.

Come and join us!

We are now offering placements for short term missions in 2007 although we have a few weeks available this year 2006 as well. We are always in need of help in the kitchen and working with Lyn caring for the kids. With the return of Salvadore we now have opportunity for people to work along side him as we evangelize the area. Missions are up to 3 months at a time and will be spent working and living from Ebyown and Bezaleel.

As we grow we are looking for a social worker to work voluntarily alongside us. This is so we can monitor the paper work and organize court appearances and make out reports for child welfare. Anyone fancy a couple of years working for the Lord?

Finally we are looking for long term house parents for the next phase of growth. This would be a 3 year placement with Ebyown. For all vacancies contact Dave and Lyn [email protected]

Something to pray about

We all know the abortion figures are terrible. Millions die every year making the womb the most dangerous place to be for a baby. Is there anything we can do about it? Yes there is, but it will take a lot of resources and Gods intervention. But I am recently encouraged by Nehemiah’s example that great things can be done by determined men and women of God.

We would like to start a home for young mums and babies in the locality. Its purpose would be to:

  • To encourage pregnant mums to carry their child to full term
  • To provide a home in which they can have the child and bond
  • If the mum decides not to keep the child for the child to be adopted or become part of the Ebyown family

What will we need?

  • A house: One has been located but needs lots of TLC
  • House renovations
  • Furniture, cots etc
  • A budget to run
  • A house parent to manage the project

At the moment these are just prayers aimed at seeing if the Lord is in this venture. Last year I spent a period of time at a friends seeking the Lord for 4 days and came home with this burden on my heart, not knowing that a property next to Ebyown would come up for sale at a bargain price. Please pray with us.

Kids News

Chicken pox and shingles are the in thing at the moment, lots of lotions and pain killer plus putting socks on Luke’s hands so he can’t scratch himself to hard. With Luke his skin condition has been compounded by them.

Baden seems to get fatter by the day but please pray as he seems to have some Brain damage. Devon is also going through a bad spell with an increase in his fits plus a change in the type of fit.

The rest (apart from itching) seem well. Just pray that we get enough sleep.


Erin is moving on back home after 3 months with us. We will miss her to bits but hope the Lord will bring her back soon. Replacing Erin will be Irene from New Zealand. Please pray for Irene as she settles in.

Dates for your diary (if you live in South Africa)

Aletheia Community Church 10:30am Sundays from the 7 th May

Subject: Nehemiah revivalist and reformer. A contrast between biblical revival and revival today

Mondays 7:30pm Bible Study

June 4 th 6:30pm at Springs Baptist Church ” “ Jacob Prasch

Items for prayer

  • Strength for us all day by day
  • That we may grow in holiness
  • Our daily bread
  • Transport needs
  • More volunteers
  • Protection from the evil one and the schemes of men
  • For Ebyown’s registration
  • For the burden of a Mother and Baby project

Want to help?

That’s easy, just sign up for three months or help financially by contacting the following people

For Royle Family Support

Brenda & Baden Royle
2 Cressington Close
Off Derby Road
Salford 6
Manchester UK
0161 737 2996
Email: [email protected]

For Ministry Support Please Contact

Phil Baldwin
25 Engels House
Trafford Road
Manchester UK
Tel: 0161 789 3203
Email: [email protected]

Our South Africa Details

Pastor David Royle
Po Box 10807
Strubenvale 1570
South Africa
Tel/Fax: 011 730 1719
Email: [email protected]

New Convenient Way Of Giving

You can now make a donation online via your credit card by clicking here. You can also give by contacting your local Moriel Office.


Fisca is the law that affects those donating by cheque to charitable organizations; South African law states that the donors address details are written on the back of the cheque. This is to help fight against money laundering in Africa.

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