Moriel Missions Southern Africa February 2007

An African Parable

Victoria isn”t the smallest of ladies, so when I saw her leap three feet into the air and six feet back I new there had to be a good reason and a powerful incentive for her to do so. And there it was, inside the cleaning cupboard under the sink, the biggest Rat in South Africa. Its been a real month for rats and mosquitoes, but this one was awesome.

Amazing isn’t it but its the simple things that can communicate the most profound truths. You see, now comes onto the scene our chief of security and great vermin hunter Chris my son. Immediately he has a plan. Vermin has entered the house, now he must destroy it totally. So out came the poison, which is liberally sprinkled behind the metal cupboard. Days pass and we forget about the rat, but alas the rat has not forgot about us. I think it was on a Wednesday when Lyn says to me “phew what’s that smell? It’s a bit like a musty old cloth”  So the search goes on for a musty old cloth. Two days later and with nothing found the smell is worse. Then the penny dropped; the rat had ate the poison and died somewhere out of sight. We finally tracked down the smell by Sunday afternoon after church, by this time the putrid smell had permeated the whole house. To get to it we had to raise the very well installed cupboard off the ground. Chris was the brave one who finally with a stick, dragged out the rat, by this time we were gagging. “But dad”  Chris said, “its still alive, its still breathing?”  Then the truth hit us as the biggest, juiciest maggot crawled out of the rat, it wasn’t breathing, but inside was an ecosystem of its very own.

Well what does this teach us? When dealing with vermin its best to trap and dispose clinically rather than poison. Its like sin, when shown the problem its best to deal with it in a clear cut fashion rather than hit and miss. If you hit or miss all that happens is the thing will fester for a long time and grow worse. Secondly, the thing looked alive but was really dead. It reminded me of the church of Sardis in the book of Revelation. It looked alive but really was dead. The key to Sardis making right with God was to strengthen what remained and repent. When dealing with sin repentance is important. So often we are sorry for our involvement with sin, but rarely repent. The truth is all we are doing is laying down poison for a putrid harvest and unrepentant sin will find a nice warm place and curl up and rot. So the application is this; when the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, lets deal with it, repent of it and it is then finished. Lets not hide it with hit and miss excuses and so lay down a problem for the future. ‚   Amazing what a rat in a cupboard can teach us.

New Evangelism Tool

Through the kind donations received towards evangelism we have been able to purchase an outdoor, battery operated PA system for street preaching. Salvador and Mike were able to get the right product at the right price and will be using it during the week on the streets of Springs.

Added to this is the cooperation with Ps John and his church in Tsakane near Kwa-Thema. They have agreed to arrange for an open air evangelism event with the hope of winning people for Christ. Please pray for Salvador, Michael, and Ps John in their cooperation.

Anyone wishing to join the team or have missions experience in South Africa must contact us at the details ‚   at the top of this newsletter.


The day has finally come when Prudence and Jo have had to go onto ARV treatment. The last blood results saw a drop in their CD4 levels from 18 to 14 and a rising in their viral loads by a factor of 5., so please pray for these young ones as they adapt to their new medication regime.

Baden is walking very well now. He started with a few faltering steps but now has started to venture the length of the front room. Needless to say all ornaments and delicate things of value have been lifted out of reach.

Both Baden and Luke had good blood results with undetectable viral loads. This has meant that we can try and tackle Luke’s skin problems from 4 different angles and so along with ARV treatment he has 4 other sources of medication. DR Levin has told us that things may go worse before they get better so watch this space.

Good bloods as well for S’phiwe and N’thombi, S’phiwe along with Jo have been busy making a film with Salvador as a school project and all the kids have found this exciting. N’thombi is still her bubbly self with the special gift of pushing all the wrong buttons with her siblings.

Deven seems to be more aware and has gone onto taking his medication by tablet rather than syrup which has made Lyn’s job easier.

Carlos has been having a problem with his asthma and had a severe attack this month, we continue to monitor him closely and are trying to evaluate its cause.

Paulina has new Calipers! Thanks to Marius at the N17 hospital who’s practice has sponsored them. We want to thank Marius and all concerned for their kindness.

Finally there is a very professional DVD of all the kids and other aspects of the mission just been professionally done from our Australian friends. Anyone wanting a copy please contact our address.

Moriel Missions Tanzania

Praise the Lord, God has been keeping Ps Norbert very busy. The college has new students and also we are in the early stages of our Bible College in a shoe box project.

Last month he also went to Dar-ra-salam to run a pastors conference which was very successful. The leaders who attended has agreed to cooperate in reaching 10,000 people for Christ this year. Please pray for this outreach.

Last month also saw operation wheelchair. Norbert arranged to have 500 wheelchairs delivered from the USA and used them to reach the poorest of the poor who are disabled and without equipment. Along with this they faithfully preached the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Norbert and his family live in Arusha where he pastors the Moriel Worship Center as well as overseeing the work of evangelism and church planting. Norbert and his family also look after orphanages and the need is great. If anyone feels a burden to help Norbert in this important work, could they please contact our Moriel office in South Africa

Moriel Missions Kenya

I first met Ps Moses while visiting Naivashu and was immediately impressed. First of all he traveled many hundreds of miles just to see us. Secondly he appeared to be a man of character who was zealous to reach the lost. ‚   Moses oversees a number of churches in Western Kenya, he’s a family man and up to now this year has run several pastors conferences. It is our hope that Moriel Kenya will grow significantly this year under the oversight of Ps Moses and that we continue to receive good reports of the excellent work going on there.

Ps Moses like Ps Norbert lives with his family by faith and we hope to be able to send him something each month to help him and his family as they work for the Lord in this important mission field. Again if anyone feels a burden to help in this area please contact us at our office.


Dave will be in the UK from the 15th March until the 2nd April. He can be contacted @ 0161 737 2996 or on his UK cell 07771544456.

Unfortunately Dave’s visit to West shore Baptist church has had to be cancelled.

March Sunday 18 th 10.30am
insdale Evangelical, Merefield School
Westminster Drive, Ainsdale
CONTACT Steve or Linda Fazakerley 01704 876427

Monday 19 th 7.30pm
116, Barnsley Road Wath on Dearn
CONTACT Paul Moody 01226 750523

Friday 23rd 8.00pm
Ascot Centre, Killybegs Road Donegal
CONTACT Martin Kelly 7335136

Saturday 24 th 7.30pm
Emmanuel Fellowship,
INTEC Centre (formerly Old Grange Hall), Enniskillen
CONTACT John Bryars 028 66387126

Sunday 25 th 11.30am & 7.00pm
Agape Christian Fellowship, Orange Field Crescent,
Belfast .
CONTACT Robert Hunsdale 02890 796368

Wednesday 28th 8.00pm
Reddish Christian Fellowship 74 Broadstone Road
Reddish, Stockport
CONTACT 0161 4327155

Thursday 29 th 7.45pm
Pendlebury Evangelical Church 431 Bolton Road
Pendlebury, ‚   M27 8TD
CONTACT Peter Wilson [email protected]

APRIL Sunday 1st 10.30am
Starbeck Mission, Forest Avenue,
Starbeck, Harrogate.
CONTACT Philip Glenwright 01423 508682

Dave will be ” ˜Down Under’ in Australia from the 10th of May to the 27th. For itinerary details contact Marg Godwin ‚   [email protected]

Dave hopes to team up with Jacob again in the USA in July. For details contact Dave Lister @ [email protected]

Prayer Requests

We thank God:

  • For good blood results for many of our children.
  • For DR Levin and we pray for his acceptance of Yeshua our Messiah
  • For supplying all our needs
  • Dianne Vincent and Erin who have received their visas

We Glorify God:

  • That He has a plan for all our children
  • For He has given us His one and only son
  • For the beauty of his creation

We ask God:

  • For His strength through all trials
  • For our daily bread
  • For His provision as we seek to build His Kingdom at Ebyown
  • To heal our children
  • For a successful meeting with the health department

“And my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pry and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land”  2 Chron 7:14

Aletheia Community Church

The New year has kicked off well at Aletheia with Dave teaching on fellowship, Salvador on the book of Romans and Morne keeping us captivated in the book of Acts. Monday night Bible study has changed day and venue. We now meet Wednesdays at Morne & Vicky’s at 7:30pm.

Sunday Mornings is still at 6 Van Der Stel Street at 10:30am followed by a shared meal.

Later in the year Aletheia has invited DR Calvin Smith for what we pray will be an annual teaching conference. The venue will be announced soon but the dates are already set. Calvin will be coming from the 7th to the 17th September. We hope to have the conference at a venue that can provide food and accommodation for those who have to travel a distance.

In August we hope to have Jacob Prasch some and visit to teach and check on things at Moriel Missions. In the next few weeks Dave will be working with Fred Blomkamp the Moriel Teaching ministries administrator to iron out dates and venues for our location. Again watch this space for more news.

On the New building front, we have been blessed by a friend who is donating all the bricks, sand and cement we will need to complete the building. We praise God that the work will be starting soon.

Ant, Liz, the Bump and Italian Mission

Dear Friends

Our time of devotion in the word and prayer are always something very personal and intimate as we can commune with the One true God who created the heavens and the earth, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God who brought Israel out of Egypt, the God who sent his only begotten son to die for our sins and raised Him from the dead. Let me share with you what the Lord spoke to me in my devotion time with Him.

Whilst seeking the Lord on His direction in my life and where should we go on mission the Lord gave me two passages of scripture. The first is Matthew 3v1-2 “Now in those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”. These were the first words of both John the Baptist and Jesus’ ministry and I believe the message of today should be no different to what Jesus taught. If that message, “the kingdom of heaven is at hand”, was relevant 2000 years ago, how much more now? As we witness end time events unfolding we can see the urgency of man needing to repent and turn to God.

The second passage of scripture the Lord showed me was Revelation 18v1-5 “After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory. And he cried out with a mighty voice, saying, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! And she has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and hateful bird. For all the nations have drunk the wine of the passion of her immorality and the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her, and her merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality.” And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, that you may not participate in her sins and that you may not receive of her plagues; for her sins have piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.”

Whether you believe Revelation 18 to be literal or allegorical, Rome is an interesting place to be. The Lord cries out for people to leave the harlotry of Rome so they won’t share in its destruction. We submit ourselves to God’s word to carry this message and be an instrument to bring people out of Roman Catholicism. 90 per cent of Rome are Roman Catholic and as Paul was stirred in his heart when visiting Mars Hill witnessing the idolatry, we too are stirred and burned for people bowing down before paintings, lighting candles for the dead relatives salvation, worshipping Mary as co-redeemer and bound to the Roman church that has left them poor, blind and wretched.

Liz and I plan to go to Rome for a week in May while there’s a mission team from America and learn from them what it’s like to run a mission in Rome. ‚   Then in November we plan on taking a team from the UK for 2 weeks ‚  during the time of Roger Oakland’s conference on Evolution vs Creationism. We plan to be there the week before to 16th-18th November to invite people, share the gospel and encourage the brothers and sisters at Calvary Chapel Rome. Then we plan on staying the week after to do some follow up work asking people what they thought of the facts given to them and continue to share the gospel and to encourage them to attend Calvary Chapel Rome to be disciple and to have fellowship.

If you are interested in coming on mission with us please contact me at ‚  [email protected] or you can phone me on 01492 874 523. We really would love for some mature Christians to come alongside us and witness to people, it doesn’t matter if you speak Italian or not. Please continue to pray for us to learn Italian. We have a lot going on in our lives with the baby on its way and I’m currently studying with Moriel Missions bible college. We have began to start ministering again with our local church and have got a few teaching engagements there and in other places in the UK. I am also going to be evangelising on the streets handing out tracts with a friend of mine. I have ordered for 500 tracts so pray God uses that ministry for His glory.

God Bless and Shalom

Anthony Royle

DVD’s & Tapes

For a comprehensive list of teaching material contact Christopher Royle @ [email protected]


For a College Prospectus with courses on



Pastoral Theology

New Testament Survey

Old Testament Survey

For our FREE DVD of the kids at Ebyown & our Mission work, just email us with your postal address and we will send you a copy.

Missions to INDIA

Want to experience Mission in India?

Then Contact Ps Chanti Raju through our office for more details, we have an excellent working relationship with Good News Ministries in Vijayawada and as long as you are fit, willing to pay your own air fair and contribute to living costs at their excellent facilities you can have an experience of a lifetime and get involved with Indian mission.

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