Moriel received the following question: I was watching a video podcast by Jacob titled the Devils Algebra. I really enjoyed the podcast however I have one question that has arisen […]
A Reader Sent the Following Question: I am sorry to trouble you with this question but hope you can help. I am in the process of having to deal with […]
Question What does Paul mean by praying in the Spirit? Eph 6:18 mentions it. Jude mentions it V.20 Is Praying in the Spirit related to a prayer language 1 Cor […]
Jacob’s sermon “House of David/House of Saul” has been reformatted and published online. Using 1 & 2 Samuel as the foundational text, this is an excellent study which explains why […]
The Jews, Modern Israel and the New Supercessionism: Resources for Christians, by Calvin L. Smith, ed. (Lampeter: King’s Divinity Press, 2009). pb. xx+164pp. ISBN: 978- 09562006-0-0. 12.99 GBP. Due 8 […]
Hi Moriel, Can you explain this Hebrew Idiom, and what is the correct English translation. For example, when Exodus 10:20 says that “the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart”
Moriel received the following question: We are preparing to do a show on the “Word faith” movement., I met with a Pastor who is a big proponent of this […]