Nazir Ahmed, the Muslim member of the British House of Lord who orchestrated the campaign to have Britain’s Labour government ban Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders from entering Britain to show […]
While Britain’s former ultra left wing Labour Party Mayor of London Ken Livingston invited radical Islamic Sheik Yusuf Qardawi to a publicly funded London event who was given an entry […]
by Baron Bodissey If any one person personifies the resistance against the Islamization of Europe, that person is Geert Wilders. His message is simple, honest, and straightforward: the people of […]
Many Muslims today are not happy! They’re not happy in Gaza. They’re not happy in Egypt . They’re not happy in Libya. They’re not happy in Morocco . They’re not […]
No Islamic countries allow Christian freedom. Now due to the cowering of inidviduals such as Steven Andre and the Hutton Hotel in Nashville to the Saudi funded CAIR (Council on […]
by Daniel Pipes [NY Sun title: “Survey of World’s Muslims Yields Dismaying Results”] How do Muslims worldwide think? To find out, the Pew Research Center for the People & the […]
Shi’a Muslims have been taking part in the religious ceremony of Ashura which commemorates the death of the Imam Hussein at the battle of Kerbala in 680 AD.