Fundamentalist Moslem Member Of House Of Lords Jailed In Motorway Death

Nazir Ahmed, the Muslim member of the British House of Lord who orchestrated the campaign to have Britain’s Labour government ban Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders from entering Britain to show his factually accurate film ‘FITNA” at the House of Lords amidst threats of Muslim intimidation, has been sent to a British prison for his responsibility in the death of a driver on a motorway accident in South Yorkshire. It is in the same area where defeated Muslim boxer Prince Nazim was also locked up in prison for similarly causing the death of a citizen by reckless driving.

Ahmed’s actions in pushing for the ban on Geert Wilders caused reaction from various sectors tired of the British government of Gordon Brown continually pandering to what is often viewed as fundamentalist islamic intimidation. While the UK government of Gordon Brown would not allow the elected member of the Dutch Parliament to enter the UK, the Labour government did grant a visa to a radical pro terrorist Islamic preacher to be hosted as “most welcome” at a publicly funded event by London’s former Mayor Ken Livingston. JJP

Labour peer Lord Ahmed jailed for 12 weeks over text message death crash on M1

By Vanessa Allen
Last updated at 12:22 AM on 26th February 2009
Daily Mail Online

Lord Ahmed faces 12 weeks in jail for texting at the wheel shortly before hitting a car and killing its driver

Britain’s first Muslim peer was jailed for three months yesterday for texting at the wheel shortly before ploughing into a car and killing its driver.

Labour life peer Lord Ahmed of Rotherham admitted in court sending and receiving five messages at 60mph on the M1.

The last was sent two minutes before the former magistrate’s Jaguar speeded into Slovakian father of two Martyn Gombar, 28.

Sentencing Ahmed, 51, at Sheffield Crown Court, Mr Justice Wilkie accepted his texting had not caused the crash.

But he said the ‘prolonged, deliberate and highly dangerous driving’ of the peer meant only jail time could be justified.

Ahmed sent and received the series of texts on an 18-mile stretch of the M1 between Dewsbury and Rotherham, South Yorkshire.

Crucially, his texting stopped two minutes before he approached junction 35 of the M1, where Mr Gombar’s Audi was straddling two outer lanes, having crashed into the central rail minutes earlier.

The factory worker was standing beside the open driver’s door when he was hit, dying instantly. Tests later showed he had been drinking.

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