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CUWJ 95: Executive Disorder

In this excerpt from Catching up with Jacob | Episode 95 | Executive Purge, we look at two of the most nefarious of Biden’s executive orders plus the chaos that […]

Ep. 80 CUWJ: Controlling the Populace

Excerpt from Catching Up with Jacob Episode 80 | It’s All About Control Marco and Jacob discuss how the world’s governments want to control the migrant population through the global […]

Ep. 81 CUWJ: Someday Government Corruption Will End

Excerpt from Catching Up With Jacob Episode 81 | Someday All This Will End, Marco and Jacob discuss the government in the USA, UK, and Canada.

CUWJ Ep 94: Two Historic Events

Excerpt from Catching UP With Jacob Episode 94 | The World is Falling to Pieces This episode has Jacob and Marco discussing 9/11 and the death of Queen Elizabeth II. […]

Ep. 79 CUWJ: The Cost of Accepting Insanity

Excerpt from Catching Up with Jacob Episode 79 | Does It Ever End? Marco and Jacob discuss the insanity of accepting the social justice demands and the affects that acceptance […]