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Ep. 78 CUWJ: Getting to Know Sandy

Excerpt from Catching Up with Jacob Episode 78 | Special Episode with Sandy Simpson, Marco is joined by apologetics specialist and teacher, Sandy Simpson. In this Bit, we learn more […]

Desmond Tutu

A Hypocrite Among Hypocrites? A Liar Among Liars? Or Is He Both? Most Black African Anglican Christians are conservative Evangelicals looking to the Arch Bishop of Lagos, Nigeria as their […]

Refining Fire?

A Heretical Group Based on the Spriit of Error, Ignorance, Charlatanism & a Most Absurd Stupidity By Jacob Prasch Moriel has warned of various hyper-Messianic type groups with heretical Christologies […]

Ep. 81 CUWJ: Someday Government Corruption Will End

Excerpt from Catching Up With Jacob Episode 81 | Someday All This Will End, Marco and Jacob discuss the government in the USA, UK, and Canada.