South Africa Missions


The name of this ministry is derived from a Hebrew word that describes someone who is so desperate and in need that the only way up is if someone reaches down and grabs a hand and lifts them up. Our saviour did this with every believer, entering time and space to rescue us from our sin. Our inspiration comes from Psalm 68: 5-6b:

A Father of the fatherless and a judge for the widows, Is God in His Holy habitation.
                                   God makes a home for the lonely;

We believe that this was a challenge to us personally during South Africa”s HIV pandemic. To take into our home children who to the world were lost and rejected and give them a place of Gods love and nurture.

This first of all took shape of our own home in the year 2000 when we took in our first two little boys aged just 3 years old. Then we moved in 2005 to a plot in Endicott and began to build Ebyown Children”s Village where we took care of children with HIV and severe disabilities.

Last year after much prayer and discussion with the International board it became apparent that with the forecast longevity of our children”s lives we needed to not only look at their temporal needs but also their future education and even work prospects. So we came to a consensus that it was time to move Ebyown to a new locality were these things could be achieved.

Mount Olives Project

The Mount of Olives is frequently mentioned in the New Testament as the route from Jerusalem to Bethany and the place where Jesus stood when he wept over Jerusalem. Jesus is said to have spent time on the mount, teaching and prophesying to his disciples, including the Olivet discourse, returning after each day to rest. The Mount of Olives site is the new home for Moriel Missions Southern Africa as well as Ebyown Childrens Village and Moriel Missions School. It is 43 acres situated on the Vrede Valleid (Peace Valley). On site will be:

  1. Ebyown children”s home

  2. Moriel Missions College

  3. Admin for Moriel SA

  4. Christian Retreat

  5. The land will also be developed for agriculture providing word and experience for children coming through Ebyown or any other similar project

  6. It will be a centre for the propagating of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

We have a core group of 8 children, 5 of which are adopted and three fostered plus space for working with child welfare for opportunities to give other vulnerable children a place of safety. Please pray that through this ministry that not only will the children grow into mature Christian adults but also that many more young lives would be touched by the Lord.

Moriel Missions School

Founded in 2002 with great help from Kings Evangelical Divinity School who”s principal is our good friend DR Calvin Smith, MMS provides an opportunity for Christians to study Gods word under the tutorage of some of the best teachers around. Offering a one year distance learning Certificate in Biblical Studies, that has an emphasis on Mission and Church leadership, the school is open for all who want to go deeper into Gods word. If you want to know more about what we can offer please contact us for a prospectus.

Other Ministry

Having been involved in Africa since 1991 and living here as missionaries for over 11 years we have gained valuable insight into Africa”s unique challenges.

  • The lack of discipleship

  • Leadership training

  • Poverty

  • Discernment issues

  • The need for church planting

The list is endless. However God has begun to open doors here in the Cape, bringing along side us such good men as Evangelist Graham Klink and Pastor Martin Thomas. Through such local contacts we are working to bring Evangelistic outreaches and leadership training to local churches.

Christopher Royle works alongside us looking after all administration and also organises Jacobs tours in SA as well as acting as a prime carer for the children. He also distributes through our office teaching material in the form of Books, DVD”s and CD”s.

Work in Gauteng has not finished. There we have Alistair Gordon looking after our finances as well as Pastor Dave Newman looking after the church in Benoni.

Through all these things, with the support of my wife Lyn and links with other like minded ministries we believe God is developing and using us for His Glory. So may we ask you to please partner with us and support in prayer and as God burdens even financially.

Ministry Contacts

South Africa, David Royle [email protected]
Also Chris Royle [email protected]
UK, Joanne Drinkwater [email protected]
USA, David Lister [email protected]
Australia/New Zealand, Marg Godwin [email protected]
Canada, Steven Boot [email protected]

Ministry Giving

As you may know we are an NGO in the UK and South Africa. If the Lord burdens you to help us financially please contact us at one of the ministry contacts above or donate online.

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