Sermons in Japanese
Title | Scripture | Description |
A Prophet Like Unto Moses | Deuteronomy 18:18 | The Scriptural similarities which point to Moses as a type of the Messiah to come. |
Abraham’s Journey | Genesis 12 | Every person’s life can be plotted as being along some point of Abraham’s journey from Mesopotamia to the Promised Land, a metaphor for our spiritual walk in this life. |
The Book of Jonah | Jonah | There is no Hebrew prophet whose life does not foreshadow or typify the Messiah who would come after them, to bring in the Redemption which they prophesied. |
The Book of Ruth | Ruth | The book of Ruth tells the story of a rich powerful Jewish man who takes a Gentile Bride and exalts her, the way that Jesus, on the day of Pentecost, raised up the Gentile church, as the Bride of Christ. |
The Burning Bush – Hineni | Exodus 2-3 | Moses is a good picture of anybody who really wants to serve God. In fact, he s one of the best pictures. |
Christian Cult | Deals with the subject of organizations which are evangelistic in theology but cultic in their organization. | |
Christmas is Coming | Various | What does Christmas, the Nativity, have to do with the Last Days? This may surprise you, but the answer is – everything. |
Curses & Christians | ||
Daughters of Zion | ||
The Day of the Lord | Joel | What exactly does the it mean when Scripture references “The Day of the Lord?” |
Elijah: A Man Who Could Make It Rain | James 5:16-18 | Elijah was a man with a nature like ours. Elijah was a man who could make it rain. The Holy Spirit, through this text, is trying to tell us that, if he can do it, we can do it. We can make it rain. But what does that mean? |
End Times Vectors | Various | How the pattern of the many prophecies fulfilled at Christ’s First Coming serve as a model for fulfillment at His Second Coming. |
Ephesus | Various | In depth detail of one of the seven ages of the church history and the future historical prophetic antitype. |
Ezekiel – Chapters 8 & 9 | Ezekiel 8-9 | Ezekiel begins predicting that God’s judgment was going to last and would become worse, and the reason that it would last and become worse was that the people’s sin was lasting and becoming worse. They refused to repent as they saw God’s judgments coming. |
Ezekiel’s Scroll | Ezekiel 2-3 | Jesus is the Word of God. We, like Ezekiel, are required to “eat” all of that Word. It will be sweet in our mouths, but bitter in our stomachs. A message for those who warn against the error and apostasy in the modern church. |
The Future History of the Church, Part 1 | Various | A typological and midrashic examination of what will happen in the future of the church by seeing how the past history of the church is recapitulated eschatologically; how past events happen again in the Last Days. What to expect, and what to prepare for. |
The Future History of the Church, Part 2 | Various | A typological and midrashic examination of what will happen in the future of the church by seeing how the past history of the church is recapitulated eschatologically; how past events happen again in the Last Days. What to expect, and what to prepare for. |
The Future History of the Church, Part 3 | Various | A typological and midrashic examination of what will happen in the future of the church by seeing how the past history of the church is recapitulated eschatologically; how past events happen again in the Last Days. What to expect, and what to prepare for. |
The Gates of Jerusalem | Nehemiah | A look at the deeper, spiritual meaning of the rebuilding of the walls and gates of Jerusalem under the direction of Nehemiah. |
A Gentleman in Prison | ||
The Great Church Robbery | 1 Corinthians 15 | A look at all the biblical instances of the “harpazo” (“snatching away”) and the difference between being taken by the “kleptos” (“thief”) and the one who will harpazo LIKE a kleptos. |
Hanukkah | John 9-10 | How does the celebration of Hanukkah, a festival NOT found in the Old Testament, provide greater insight into biblical themes such as the Messiah? How is Hanukkah handled in the New Testament? |
Jesus in the Garden | Genesis 3 | This message is a midrashic interpretation comparing the events of the Garden of Eden found on Genesis 3 with the actions of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. |
Jewish-Arab Reconcialiation | Deals with how the Jew and Arab will be reconciled in biblical prophecy and looks at the prophetic purposes of God both for the Arab nations and the Jewish nation, all descended from Abraham. | |
Judge Not? | James 4 | From the pen of the same apostle, in the distance of a few paragraphs, in almost the same breath that he is saying “do not judge,” James calls worldly churches “adulteresses.” |
Kashrut & Famine | Leviticus 11 | An explanation of the typology of the Hebrew dietary laws, and how it deals with what is clean and what is unclean. Unclean being unbelievers, false believers, and their wrong doctrines. What we eat, we are. Deals with how to eat what is clean. |
The Living & the Dead | Leviticus 21 | Who are the living, who are the dead, what is the temple, and who are the priests? |
Mezuzot – The Doorposts, Part 1 | Judges 14-16 | This teaching shows, through Samson’s continued weakness for immoral living, how the devil will use our various weaknesses to keep us going back into sin, revealing how there is only one way out of Satan’s trap. This teaching also deals with Cavlin’s doctrine of eternal security. |
Mezuzot – The Doorposts, Part 2 | Judges 14-16 | This teaching shows, through Samson’s continued weakness for immoral living, how the devil will use our various weaknesses to keep us going back into sin, revealing how there is only one way out of Satan’s trap. This teaching also deals with Cavlin’s doctrine of eternal security. |
Midrash | Various | If you look at the way the New Testament quotes the Old Testament, it is clear that the apostles did not use western Protestant methods of exegesis or interpretation. |
Midrash: Jesus in the Garden, Part 1 | Genesis 3 | When you were physically born, you were born of Adam. When you are born again, you are born of the last Adam, who is Jesus. |
Midrash: Jesus in the Garden, Part 2 | Genesis 3 | When you were physically born, you were born of Adam. When you are born again, you are born of the last Adam, who is Jesus. |
Once Saved, Always Saved | Various | A detailed study as to what Scripture has to say about the doctrine which is often described by the label “once saved, always saved”. |
One Messiah, Two Comings | Acts 1:4-6 | Everything under the ground is Old Testament Israel, but everything above the ground is the New Testament Church. The Church is the spiritual continuity of Old Testament Israel, not its replacement. |
The Parable of the Wedding Feast | Matthew 22 | The Wedding Parable looks at the parable from Matthew 22 and shows how it relates to Jesus’ first coming as well as His second coming. |
Pedion Ha Ben: Consecration of the First Born | The donkey had to be redeemed by the blood of the lamb. What was the need for this consecration ritual? In depth midrashic study on these subjects and how it relates to us. | |
The Road to Emmaus | Luke 24:13-35 | |
The Seven Feasts | Leviticus 23 | A basic outline of the three feasts in Leviticus 23 – Passover, Feast of Trumpets, and Feast of Booths |
The Two Adams | Various | As far as God is concerned there are only two men who have ever existed, Adam and Jesus – the first Adam and the second Adam. |
Smyrna | Various | In depth detail of one of the seven ages of the church history and the future historical prophetic antitype. |
Typology of the Dietary Law | Leviticus 11 | An explanation of the typology of the Hebrew dietary laws and how it deals with what is clean and what is unclean, unclean being bunbelievers, false believers, and their wrong doctrines. We are what we “eat”. Deals with how to “eat” what is clean. |
Typology of the Firstborn | This teaching deals with the typology of the firstborn and the second as a mirror of the old and new creations. Also looks at what is a carnal Christian. | |
Typology of the Grain Offering | Leviticus 2 | Most Christians have an idea that the blood sacrifices of these animals were symbols of Jesus; however, most Christians do not think about the grain offering. |
Typology of the Temple | Various | Deals with the spiritual symbolism of the architecture of the Hebrew Temple, pointing to the fact that the church seven times in the New Testament is called the Temple of God, and looks ahead to what this will ultimately mean for the coming Antichrist. |
Who Are the Jews? | Various | This message deals with the question, “Who are the Jews?” Etymologically, anthropologically, judicially, geographically, and biblically. |
The Woman at the Well | John 4 | An exposition from the midrashic point of view of John 4. It looks at the disposition of Jesus towards her, which demonstrates what our disposition should be towards nominal Christians in false religions. |
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