Sermons in English
Title | Scripture | Description |
A Chink in the Armor | A Chink in the Armor | What happens when good leaders become involved with bad ones? |
A Prophet Like Unto Moses | A Prophet Like Unto Moses | The Scriptural similarities which point to Moses as a type of the Messiah to come. |
Abraham’s Journey | Genesis 12 | Every person’s life can be plotted as being along some point of Abraham’s journey from Mesopotamia to the Promised Land, a metaphor for our spiritual walk in this life |
Anointing | Acts 2 | Addressing the claims of various groups that there efforts are bringing an revival accompanied by spiritual anointing and the scriptural standards by which such an anointing and revival actually operate. |
Bible Versions | Various | The Bible is the Word of God in the Word of Man. That doesn’t make it any less the Word of God, but neither does that make it any less the Word of Man. |
Binding & Loosing | Daniel 10 | In many areas the church is trying to use biblical teaching about binding and loosing as an instrument to deal with something it was not designed to deal with. |
The Boiling Pot | Ezekiel 24 | |
The Book of Jonah | Jonah | There is no Hebrew prophet whose life does not foreshadow or typify the Messiah who would come after them, to bring in the Redemption which they prophesied. |
The Book of Ruth | Ruth | The book of Ruth tells the story of a rich powerful Jewish man who takes a Gentile Bride and exalts her, the way that Jesus, on the day of Pentecost, raised up the Gentile church, as the Bride of Christ. |
The Burning Bush – Hineni | Exodus 2-3 | Moses is a good picture of anybody who really wants to serve God. In fact, he s one of the best pictures. |
Christian Cults | Christian Cults | Deals with the subject of organizations which are evangelistic in theology but cultic in their organization. |
Christmas is Coming | Various | What does Christmas, the Nativity, have to do with the Last Days? This may surprise you, but the answer is – everything. |
The Crucified Life | John 20 | If signs and wonders are really the key to revival, why did they cry out a few days later, “Crucify Him”, when they knew that Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead, and healed the lame and the blind? |
The Day of the Lord | Joel | What exactly does the it mean when Scripture references “The Day of the Lord?” |
The Death of Absalom | 1 Samuel 18 | An important biblical perspective on family, particularly as it relates to whether they’re saved or not. |
The Death of Reason and the Return of Jesus | Timothy 1 | Due to this suspension of reason, the stage is being set for Jesus’ warning that “For this reason” He will come at an hour when He is not expected. |
The Divine Aristocracy | Ecclesiastes 9-10 | God says, however, that only the things that last forever are real riches. Silver, gold and jewels will not get you off the road to hell – nor will they get you into heavenly Jerusalem. |
Egypt, Babylon, or the Palm of God | Jeremiah 40 | What are the options for the faithful remnant in the Last Days? Previous biblical examples provide a picture of what it will be like for Believers. |
Elijah: A Man Who Could Make It Rain | James 5:16-18 | Elijah was a man with a nature like ours. Elijah was a man who could make it rain. The Holy Spirit, through this text, is trying to tell us that, if he can do it, we can do it. We can make it rain. But what does that mean? |
Ezekiel – Chapters 8 & 9 | Ezekiel 8-9 | Ezekiel begins predicting that God’s judgment was going to last and would become worse, and the reason that it would last and become worse was that the people’s sin was lasting and becoming worse. They refused to repent as they saw God’s judgments coming. |
Ezekiel’s Scroll | Ezekiel 2-3 | Jesus is the Word of God. We, like Ezekiel, are required to “eat” all of that Word. It will be sweet in our mouths, but bitter in our stomachs. A message for those who warn against the error and apostasy in the modern church. |
Fall of the House of Saul | 1 Samuel 28 | God will not allow the old thing to fall until He judges that the new thing is ready to take its place. |
The Future History of the Church, Part 1 | Various | A typological and midrashic examination of what will happen in the future of the church by seeing how the past history of the church is recapitulated eschatologically; how past events happen again in the Last Days. What to expect, and what to prepare for. |
The Future History of the Church, Part 2 | Various | A typological and midrashic examination of what will happen in the future of the church by seeing how the past history of the church is recapitulated eschatologically; how past events happen again in the Last Days. What to expect, and what to prepare for. |
The Future History of the Church, Part 3 | Various | A typological and midrashic examination of what will happen in the future of the church by seeing how the past history of the church is recapitulated eschatologically; how past events happen again in the Last Days. What to expect, and what to prepare for |
The Gates of Jerusalem | Nehemiah | A look at the deeper, spiritual meaning of the rebuilding of the walls and gates of Jerusalem under the direction of Nehemiah. |
The Great Church Robbery | 2 Chronicles 13 | A look at all the biblical instances of the “harpazo” (“snatching away”) and the difference between being taken by the “kleptos” (“thief”) and the one who will harpazo LIKE a kleptos. |
Hanukkah, Part 1 | John 9-10 | How does the celebration of Hanukkah, a festival NOT found in the Old Testament, provide greater insight into biblical themes such as the Messiah? How is Hanukkah handled in the New Testament? |
Hanukkah, Part 2 | John 9-10 | How does the celebration of Hanukkah, a festival NOT found in the Old Testament, provide greater insight into biblical themes such as the Messiah? How is Hanukkah handled in the New Testament? |
Hope for the Hopeless | Hebrews 11 | Hebrews 11 has as much to do with hope as it does with faith. |
House of David/House of Saul | 2 Samuel 3:1 | The kind of war I dread is when you have to fight against your brethren. |
The Iron and the Clay | Daniel 2 | A commentary on current events in the Middle East as they might pertain to the fulfillment of prophecy in the book of Daniel |
Jesus In The Talmud | Many Christians who love Israel and who have a heart for the Jewish people confuse loving the people of Israel with loving the religion of the Rabbis that is now called Judaism. | |
Judge Not? | James 4 | Looks at the different words for “judge” in the Greek and in the Hebrew and in what contexts they are used. Shows when Christians are commanded to judge and when we are commanded not to. |
The Last Days | 1 Timothy 4 | The First Century church in certain respects typologically prefigures the Church of the Last Century. |
The Legacy of Jacob | Various | The Last Revival asks the question, “Will there be a great end time revival?” And then answers those that teach that there will be a great worldwide revival in the last days before Jesus returns. |
The Living & the Dead | Leviticus 21 | Who are the living, who are the dead, what is the temple, and who are the priests? |
Mezuzot (Doorposts) | Judges 14-16 | Whatever it may be, however, every Christian has one thing that they continue falling into. |
Midrash | Various | If you look at the way the New Testament quotes the Old Testament, it is clear that the apostles did not use western Protestant methods of exegesis or interpretation. |
Midrash: Jesus in the Garden | Genesis 3 | When you were physically born, you were born of Adam. When you are born again, you are born of the last Adam, who is Jesus. |
The New Galatians | Galatians | There is a misguided element in the Gentile church which desires to return to the source of Christian faith, which is biblically and historically a primordial Jewish faith. Unfortunately, they arrive at the abrupt conclusions that anything “Messianic” must be right. |
Not Even A Minyan | Genesis 19 | Are there even 10 righteous? Lot lived in a society with rampant homosexuality and Paul warns of that judgment concerning it as well as the times. |
Once Christian Marriage Means Nothing | Matthew 5:32 | The union was to be physical, psychological (as in emotional and intellectual), and because it is based on a mutual vow made to God, spiritual. |
Once Saved, Always Saved? | Various | A detailed study as to what Scripture has to say about the doctrine which is often described by the label “once saved, always saved”. |
One Messiah, Two Comings | Acts 1:4-8 | Everything under the ground is Old Testament Israel, but everything above the ground is the New Testament Church. The Church is the spiritual continuity of Old Testament Israel, not its replacement. |
Pedion Ha Ben | Revelation 2:8-11 | The donkey had to be redeemed by the blood of the lamb. What was the need for this consecration ritual? In depth midrashic study on these subjects and how it relates to us. |
Principles of Persecution | Revelation 2:8-11 | God uses persecution to get the church going. Once a church stops being mission-minded, it will eventually stop being evangelistic. And once it stops being evangelistic, it will eventually stop being evangelical in its doctrine. |
The Reign of King Asa | 2 Chronicles 13 | What God’s Word really teaches about revival.< |
The Scarlet Cord | Various | Scripture reference: Isaiah 1:18, Numbers 14:6, Genesis 38 and primarily Joshua 2. |
Seduction of Hebrew Root Movement | There are various areas in which Satan is attempting these seductions of the trend back towards the Hebrew Root. There are good factions, ones that do some good but no harm, and others that are simply dead wrong. | |
The Seventy Weeks of Daniel | Daniel 9:24-27 | An explanation of the final week of prophetic history to come as provided through the Prophet Daniel. |
Show Me | John 20:19-31 | Thomas is a corporate solidarity, and he represents three different kinds of people. |
Simchat Torah | John 7 & 8 | Begins in John 7 and follows through this Hebrew feast into John 8. |
Slain in the Spirit | Various | Since this is clearly not the biblical “anointing of the Holy Spirit”, it is really no “anointing” at all. |
Sons of Zadok | Ezekiel 44 | Compares the righteous clergy with the unrighteous clergy, and explains how to know whether your pastor is righteous or unrighteous. Details the characteristics of each. |
This Generation | Matthew 24:34 | Explanation of the meaning of “this generation” in the Olivet Discourse. |
The Two Adams | Various | As far as God is concerned there are only two men who have ever existed, Adam and Jesus – the first Adam and the second Adam. |
Typology of the Dietary Law | Leviticus 11 | An explanation of the typology of the Hebrew dietary laws and how it deals with what is clean and what is unclean, unclean being bunbelievers, false believers, and their wrong doctrines. We are what we “eat”. Deals with how to “eat” what is clean. |
Typology of the Grain Offering Part 1 | Leviticus 2 | Most Christians have an idea that the blood sacrifices of these animals were symbols of Jesus; however, most Christians do not think about the grain offering. |
Typology of the Grain Offering Part 2 | Leviticus 2 | Most Christians have an idea that the blood sacrifices of these animals were symbols of Jesus; however, most Christians do not think about the grain offering. |
Understanding “The Mixture” | 1 Thessalonians | Arriving at a right doctrinal position and discerning things in a biblical manner in times like this has become more and more difficult for many sincere believers. |
Watchmen Who Are Not Watchmen | Isaiah 62:8 | Looking at the biblical character and nature of watchmen however we see that so much of what is being promoted as ‘Watchman Ministries’ are actually the mere devices of men. |
What the Reformers Forgot Part 1 | Jeremiah 31:31 | In western Protestantism we have a very western perspective of Christianity and its historical development. |
What the Reformers Forgot Part 2 | Jeremiah 31:31 | In western Protestantism we have a very western perspective of Christianity and its historical development. |
When God Speaks | Hebrews 1 | When does God speak? Why does God speak? To whom does He speak? And through whom does He speak? When God speaks to us, why is He doing it, and through whom and to whom? |
Why Three Years of Toronto and Still No Revival? | Matthew 18:15-18 | They could not argue from Scripture, so they had to get into legal finagling and, eventually, conspiracy and even lies. |
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