Yom Yerushalim / Jerusalem Day
May God Bless Jerusalem and all of her lost souls, Jew & Arab alike, and may many come to a saving faith in The Messiah Yeshua. May He open the eyes of the Jews, the Moslems, and of the nominal Christians in the apostate, liberal, and idolatrous churches within her walls. May He richly Bless the saved believers of Jerusalem – Jew, Arab, and otherwise. Jesus will return to Jerusalem and His feet will again stand upon The Mount of Olives (Matthew 23: 39, Zechariah 12: 1-10, Zachariah 14:4). As Jesus said would one day happen, the Jews have returned to their ancient capital in preparation for His return (Luke 21:24) irrespective of whether John Stott, Stephen Sizer, John Piper, Rick Godwin, Tony Campolo, The Vatican, The Methodists, and The Presbyterians approve of God’s plan or not. Israel will be deceived by the anti christ and enter into a false peace and make a covenant with death in the ‘Time of Jacob’s Trouble’ (whether The International Christian Embassy, and Malcom Hedding agree or not). Yet the rejected Messiah will return and save the remnant of Jerusalem and of the planet and establish His Millennial Kingdom there. Jerusalem is where He died, where He arose, and where He is Coming back again. It is where Satan got his biggest defeat and where he will get his final one. Praise Yeshua!
For us at Moriel, Yom Yerushalim is a day of prayer when we mourn over Jerusalem as Jesus did because of “WHAT” is coming ; yet we celebrate and rejoice because of “WHO” is coming.