Moriel Thailand – Dec 2017 UPDATE!

Dear believers in grace,

This month has felt like two months squeezed into one!  We’ve been busy, but in a good way.

At the beginning of this month, David Lister came to visit us.  He came with me to the Women’s Prison and gave his testimony.  The women listened and it seemed like some of them were really touched by the message.  Then, my parents also came to visit us, and are still here.  We did not plan the timing this way, but just as we had baptisms last year when my parents came to visit, we also had baptisms this year…

Mana and Daeng’s Baptism

Mana and Daeng have been nominal believers for several years now, but just in the last year have really gotten serious about their walk with the Lord.  Khae has been teaching her and her daughter twice a week, and I’ve been teaching Mana and another man twice a week.   It is a joy to see them walking with the Lord and leading their children to know the Lord also.

Pat’s Decision and Baptism

Pat is the young lady who recently had a baby.  As a young mother who was not planning to become a mother, she has really taken good responsibility for her daughter and not just left her at the government orphanage or worse.  With this new responsibility she also seems to be thinking more clearly about her life and about her relationship with God.  Pat has been coming to learn the Bible with us for several years now, but for a while was tempted away by the video game shop and preferring her cell phone to coming and studying the Bible and English.  Khae has also started going to her house to teach her twice a week.  Last month Khae asked her directly what she believes.  Her answer was non-committal.  But, then a few days later she saw a ghost and then prayed to Jesus for protection and felt peace.  After that time she became much more interested in the Bible and even asked to be baptized.  That was another blessed day.  Praise be to God for this!

Woman on the Beast

While here, David also asked me about an idol that is seen some places here.  I put together a short article about that, attached here.

May God lead each of you and bless you in the New Year for His glory.

Thanks be to God for His love and reconciliation through Jesus!

Peace in Christ,

Scott, Khae, and Micahberekiah.


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