Al Dager – now with Jesus: May 2nd 2018

It is with a predictable combination of sorrow and joy that we learned that our friend & brother Al Dager has gone to be with The Lord.
He with his beloved wife lived in the American state of Washington in the Pacific North West. Al has battled heart disease for some time.

Al was a solid and much respected voice for discernment and strong scriptural doctrine in the present age of intense satanic attack on the truths of God’s Word.

The ministry he directed ‘Media Spotlight’ combined research with publishing and his book ‘Vengeance is Ours’ is a quintessential response to the theological errors of Dominion Theology, Latter Rain heresy, and over realized eschatology.

Al also was the Moriel USA & Canada book  printer and a part of our team and spiritual family. He is now with Jesus in glory.

We shall none-the-less miss him greatly until we see him in glory. Moriel & Jacob Prasch requests prayer for his dear wife and that The Lord will raise up others to follow his foot steps.

Al completed his role in the work of the Watchmen as a voice of truth in an age of apostate deception. Yet the work itself goes on until the night comes when no man can work when it becomes darkest before the dawn and Christ returns – Al with him.

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