Blood Moons for the Second Time Proven to be a Baseless Hoax

By James Jacob Prasch
Oct 12, 2014

The Boy Cries Wolf Yet Again  

I happened to be in Israel for  Sukkoth, the second of  the supposedly festal  Blood Moons concocted by  Mark Biltz, whom given his abysmal  track record – many now can only consider to be a religious con artist out to sell books about the ‘Blood  Moon”  hoax that he invented.

As even a cursory  visit to the NASA website confirmed to any serious inquirer,  only one of these festal eclipses is  even partially visible  in The Middle East. Yet Mark Blitz  merchandised his silly books predicting sensationalized rogue  speculations falsely linking his fanciful inventions with the Joel chapter 2 prophetic predictions recounted in the Book of  Acts of signs in the celestial cosmos  referred to in the Olivet Discourse by Jesus.

The ludicrous  nonsense manufactured  by Mark Biltz  quite predictably  never transpired. There were no  eclipses or  blood moons in Israel. The eclipses were thousands of miles away from Israel in the southern hemisphere and the Blood Moons were only in the Pacific basin, again thousands of miles from Israel, just as NASA and  every actual  astronomer in the world correctly had said.

Being  in Israel the first night of Hag  Sukkoth, and the full moon  was marshmallow white  without a trace or id until closing time but still – no eclipse and no blood moon. How can anyone look upon this fiasco as anything  other than a scam? It was quite literally ‘religious lunacy’. The Middle East was in its usual turmoil, but this was largely focused on ISIS.  Nothing  unique or unusual took place in Israel.   As with Y2K, Harold Camping’s date setting for the parousia, and Gerald Coates’ fixed date New Zealand earthquakes that never came, John Hinkley’s ‘evil being tanked from the earth’, Kenneth Copeland’s 1 billion Moslems being saved, the prophetic  predictions of Rick Joyner and Bill Johnson concerning Todd Bentley, Benny Hinn’s  imprecatory prophecy about the destruction of homosexuals, the 1991 UK failed  prophetic predictions of Mike Bickel  and his Kansas City false prophets, and Pensacola apologist Michael Brown having people up half of the night in Jerusalem at a messianic conference awaiting the second  Pentecost he prophetically  predicted – the boy has again cried wolf, and the boy’s name is  Mark Biltz.

The deadly  problem with this kind of  crackpot charlatanism plainly  orchestrated by the devil in order to  discredit  The Body of  Christ as a reliable voice is  that when something of an  authentic prophetic  importance actually does take place, the world  will think it is just the boy crying wolf again. Courtesy of theologically ignorant hucksters like Mark Biltz, the damage inflicted upon the credibility of The Body Christ so undermines our credibility at the instigation of Satan acting through those intent on behaving like irresponsible  buffoons,  that we cease to be the divinely commissioned  hortatory  mechanism of warning we are appointed by God to be.


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