Scott Noble our missionary in Thailand. Latest Report – Jan 2017

Dear believers in grace,

We wish you all a blessed New Year in the Saviour of the world!
Teaching at an Elementary School
The first week and a half of December we went to another province to help teach at a Christian school.  Most of the parents and students are not Christians so it was a good opportunity to share the gospel.  I taught English to 1st-5th graders.  The 4th and 5th graders were pretty good, but it was challenging to teach the 1st-3rd graders.  There are few foreigners in that province so the children enjoyed seeing a foreigner and I got to hand out many tracts and also share Bible lessons at the flag pole and at chapel one day.  Micah got to join the nursery school for 3 days until he got some kind of a stomach bug.  He enjoyed learning very much and according to Khae was the most enthusiastic student in the class.
Women’s Prison
We came back to Chiang Mai in time to have a Christmas worship service at the Women’s Prison.  We’re still teaching them from the book of Revelation.  The massage class there is also going well—still a big group of about 80 students.
Christmas Party
We had a Christmas party for our students and invited their parents also.  I also invited my adult students.  About 20 people came.  We sang some Christmas songs and then Khae shared the gospel through the Christmas story and we gave everyone either a gospel of John in the Shan language or some Thai gospel books.  Here are a couple of pictures from that.
John’s Signature Words
A couple months ago Khae read a book by a Thai Lutheran pastor who (following in Martin Luther’s footsteps) doubted that John wrote the book of Revelation or if it even should be in our Bible.  I did a very interesting word study on this comparing the gospel of John, I-III John, and the book of Revelation.  I think the results are beyond any coincidence.  The book of Revelation not only has the “fingerprints” of John all over it, but the author also has such a rich knowledge of the Old Testament woven into the book (by divine inspiration)– it is unmistakably God breathed.  I’m attaching a short paper on that here.
Peace in Christ, Scott, Khae, and Micahberekiah.

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