Winnipeg Prophecy Conference

We, Pittsburgh Moriel folk, just come home from the Winnipeg Prophecy Conference. I am always blessed meeting other believers in the Lord from different walks of life. Winnipeg was no exception.

Many of the folk there came out of the Hutterite colony and had German accents. I am in awe of their stand for the Lord. They give up everything when they accept Jesus – their family, way of life, and are ostracized from their community.,   Many members of their family have been saved since then.

After the conference, Jacob speaks at other churches. The last church Jacob preached at was Canada’s first biker church. I have some pictures I hope you will enjoy.

House of the Risen Son

This is worn on the jackets of only members of the church.

House of the Risen Son parking lot
House of the Risen Son parking lot

Not your everyday church parking lot.


Jacob at the pulpit – yes, ‚   it’s part of a bike. The horn works and the lights work as well. The offering plates were motorcycle helmets. A lot of churches when they have their worship have photos of the ocean, the sky, the wilderness showing the hand of God with an overhead projector. This church was no exception but what was different was they used photos of motorcycles on the road overlooking God’s handiwork in the background.

Instead of ushers they had bouncers and a lot of hells angels types were in front before the meeting waiting to hear the gospel and over a dozen got saved after Jacob gave an evangelistic message that God in His grace blessed.

Our fearless leader
Our fearless leader

This was taken before the service started.


Jacob on a hog.

I love meeting believers from many walks of life. We all have Jesus!

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