In public reply to Mr. Roseborough’s support of John Mac Arthur’s position on accepting the ‘mark of The Beast’ and still being saved in league with Doreen Virtue & Phil […]
The Jewish Holiday Season In John 9, Jesus does a messianic miracle: He gives sight to a blind person, blind from birth. As He passed by, He saw a man […]
by James Jacob Prasch Many places in the Old Testament speak of the resurrection. Job, when he was a dying man,said, “Even after my skin is destroyed, yet from my […]
Title Scripture Description Cinco Preguntas a los Catolicos Una Grieta en la Armadura 1 Chronicles 18-19 What happens when good leaders become involved with bad ones? La Jornada de Abraham […]
by James Jacob Prasch Before we turn to the book of Jonah, turn very briefly please to the book of Acts chapter 2:24 and 27. “And God raised Him up […]
Rome Then and Now What happened during the Reformation was relatively mild in comparison to the tremendous revival taking place now in Roman Catholic countries, specifically in South America: In […]