Moriel Missions South Africa December 2008

Dear Friends

We come once again to the end of another year. This year has had its ups and downs and has seen some terrific growth particularly in Africa mission and as we end the year all we can do is look back in wonder as we see Gods hand at work. I think if we could look into the future or if God told us what was going to happen ahead of time that we would have run away but true to his word he says though scripture in 2Corinthian’s 12:9 “my Grace is sufficient for thee“.

God outworks His grace through many things, but most of all he has been doing it with you our supporters and prayer partners. Children who have been ill have been healed I believe through prayer. All bills have been paid. Needs have been met. When crisis have come and great outpouring of generosity has been needed such as the Tanzania mission crisis, Moriel’s supporters have been not found wanting but have responded in the compassion of Christ.

We know that you are not with us to be thanked, that you are in this with us for the Lord and that you believe in what God is continuing to do, but neither the less, we wish to offer you our love and gratitude for placing you in a position where you can partner with us and so in Jesus we would like to just say Thank You and Bless You.

The next year I am sure will have more challenges, I am again thankful that I cannot see the details of the future because as I said I would retire to the UK I am sure. But the little light we do see already gives us encouragement and also the thought “How is God exactly going to do this”? For example, Ebyown is growing; this year saw our registration with child welfare and up to now because of child welfare incompetence we have had over 20 children having to be declined. To solve this we are having to work once again with the bureaucrats who messed up the terms of our registration denying us the right to take in children under 7 years of age. The other challenge is sustainability of Ebyown. Being registered means we now employ a social worker, soon a nurse and of course as we grow more house mums to look after more children. All this needs a set monthly budget to look after salaries, food, utilities etc. Tanzania has begun building an Ebyown village there and we hope to also expand a similar work in Kenya. We can only do this with the support of Gods people and month by month we trust in the Lord for His sufficiency. Next year; probably May, Sal and Di move to Kwazulu to work with the people there and as you know Salvadore has been with us for so long. So challenges are here already and these are the tip of the iceberg. So please continue to pray for all these things along with us and I am sure that once again, one way or another we will experience Christ’s sufficiency in our lives day by day.

God Bless and may the Lord richly Bless you in 2009

Dave & Lyn Royle

Important Notice

The office will be closed from the Friday 19th December and will reopen again Monday 12th January 2009. Last Orders for CD’s and DVD’s will be Friday 12th December. Any orders taken after this will not be made or posted till the week after the 12th January.

Call Chris on 0823739297 or email [email protected]


From March 2009 Ebyown hope to have a new member of the team in the person of Lina Dequattro from Sydney Australia. Lina is a pre-school teacher and she will be taking the teaching of the smaller kids and children with special needs. Please pray for her and also pray that the Lord burdens enough sponsors to help with her day to day needs.

We are concerned for Prudence. There has been a ongoing decline in CD4 count and increase in her viral load in the last few months. Tests have now told us that she has become highly resistant to her ARV’s. The next set of ARV’s that are available are for adults and while Pru is growing her body is not yet at this stage and giving them to her will cause adverse side effects. Basically we are just trying to put off giving them her for as long as possible so that we give her body time to grow. This may take a year or two meanwhile we hope and pray that somehow he body will keep the virus in check un till she is physically ready.

Generally the children are well, the usual coughs and sniffles plus some asthmatic problems are on show, Jo had a nasty rash that DR Levin attended too but apart from that nothing to report. The Kids are really (as usual) looking forward to Christmas and to show their appreciation they have made some end of year 2009 calendars. If you want one please send us an email and we will pop one in the post for you.

Tanzania and Kenya Update – November 2008

A Kenyan Pastor had a revival meeting in Eldoret. Many hundreds were saved by Gods grace and after the service a young women came and asked the Pastor a question. She said “Now how do I eat?” The Pastor said to her, “what do you mean? You don’t look hungry, you look well fed”. “That’s true she said, but you don’t understand. Until I got saved this evening I fed myself through prostitution, now I can’t do that. Tell me Pastor how shall I eat?”

Poverty does wicked things to people. The story of this lady really touched my heart and gave me an understanding of how things work on the ground level in the poorest regions of Kenya and Tanzania. This ladies story is a challenge to the church as it operates in these areas because this lady is just one of a million stories of poverty and hardship.

The Moriel orphans are another story of poverty and extreme hardship. The local Masia culture is a male dominated culture. Women are not educated (hence the hatred they have for Moriel educating their female children) The lot of a young girl is this. At the age of 10 or as early as 8, a pubescent male will rape them. What he is saying is this, “This is your lot in life, get used to it”. Added to this female circumcision is still practiced. And so young girls find themselves coming to Moriel for protection and education. This time the situation was compounded when at the end of term our girls went back to their villages to stay with their guardians. The guardians sent them all back to us “you are now Moriel children, let Moriel look after you” and so the last week or so the children have been sleeping rough at the mission station. It even got worse when during a raid the harvest from our 22 acres was stolen by a local family. Now we have a situation where the children are abandoned and without the food we planted for them. The ring leader was caught and there is now a court case but the food wasn’t recovered.

Out of the funds collected I have given permission for an initial $3000 to be used to buy mattresses, lamps and food to make their stay bearable until the first two buildings are complete, then the girls can move to the new village site which is nearer to Arusha and dwell in safety.

I met with four prospective builders at the new site which is truly a wonderful place. We have our own Bananas plantation, good soil and enough room to develop. This is due to the generosity of Mr & Mrs Ninja the local governors who love the Lord and love the work we are doing with the children. May the Lord richly bless them. It is hoped that when the tender is given work will begin from the 1st next month and the first two complete in January and ready for occupation. It’s been really frustrating as work in Tanzania is slow, there are no big DIY companies, the locations of the sites we work are remote and it’s a totally different pace of life. But this trip I feel really encouraged that real progress has been made, it was a tough trip physically and spiritually but that’s to be expected as we know we are in a constant battle against the world the flesh and the devil. Can I also convey my gratitude to all those who have given generously to this cause and may I also encourage readers to consider their long term help as we will need to keep going with the day to day costs and maintenance for the future.

Kenya was tough. O boy that road from Nakuru was a killer and it took us 6 hours to travel the 150kms to Eldoret. I was accompanied on this trip by Jim Cottingham and John Burston who are elders with the Christian Ministerial Fellowship International (CMFI). They were traveling to Bungoma to see Moses and then onto Arusha in Tanzania to see Norbert to discuss opening branches of CMFI and to ordain Moses and Norbert into the organization that holds our ministerial credentials. I really enjoyed myself and had great fellowship with John and Jim. Both are a credit to themselves as believers and great ambassadors for CMFI and for Christ Jesus. But this road took its toll on all of us especially when we broke down in the middle of nowhere. It was in the hill country and was quite cold and all of us were freezing as the car was jacked up to receive some attention. We eventually got the vehicle moving again but it limped ever so slowly into Eldoret and so we abandoned the journey to Bungoma there and sought sanctuary in a hotel for the night.
The next day we took a local taxi to Bungoma, flying at breakneck speeds along the Africa roads – it was at the same time thrilling and unnerving.

Bungoma is a typical scruffy African town, lots of problems, lots of poverty but we were ushered to the home of Moses who welcomed us with a much needed soda and food. Moses, his wife Violet, their three children share their home with 10 orphans. We were so touched by his generosity amid obvious poverty. The Lord has really placed on their hearts a burden for these young people whose life has been devastated by HIV/Aids. The following days were involved with meetings and the ordination; it was thrilling to see many saved and ministers of the gospel rededicating their lives to Jesus. But the thing that touched me was the care of the orphans. Moses coordinates a work that touches 400 orphans who are loved and fed. Moriel purchased an acre of land for this work but although it is being fully utilized the land does not have the capacity to feed so many hungry mouths. Therefore we need to raise approximately $10,000 to purchase adequate land or mouths will grow hungry especially next year when Kenya expects food shortages due to the torrential rain that is rotting thousands of hectares of Maize.

The work of planting churches in the area is going well. At the conference for CMFI were representatives from over 50 churches and Moses communicated that thousands have been saved and attend churches affiliated or planted by Moriel. Moses is doing a great work in the Lord and needs our encouragement and love.

Well I hope to be back soon; meanwhile I have so many things to do here for the preparation of the end of the year and the beginning of the new. So thank you for your prayers and support and I will keep you up to date with developments.

Other news

We have just started two new projects. The building of Aletheia community church new building done in a Traditional Africa thatch and also Ebyown have ploughed the back field to grow its own potatoes, Sweet corn, butternut squashes and salad vegetables, Please pray for these two projects that the Lord blesses them.

For Prayer

  • That the gospel of Yeshua will be continually our main motivation for everything we say or do
  • That His love and compassion will grow in our lives day by day
  • Please pray for all our health needs, children, staff and missionaries
  • For our daily bread
  • That we rest in His peace and security
  • We desperately need a minibus for disabled children, the one we had just died and was sold for scrap
  • For Sal and Di as they prepare for their move to Kwazulu in 2009
  • For Pastor Norbert in Tanzania and Pastor Moses in Kenya
  • That in 2009 we stay focused on His vision

How Can You Help?

If you would like to help financially with a one off gift or regular monthly sponsorship then please call one of our offices found at or contact us for details.

If you receive our updates via another person and would like to be included on our mailing list then please email [email protected]

Contacts UK

Mr & Mrs B Royle
2 Cressington Close
Off Cedric Street
Salford M55JS
Tel: 0161 737 2996
Email: [email protected]

Moriel SA
PO Box 10807
Dave Royle [email protected]
Chris Royle [email protected]
Lyn and Ebyown [email protected]
Web Site: &
Fax 086 640 2879
Cell: 082 373929

Psalm 68:5-6

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