Ebyown Dedication
The weather could not have been more perfect. The sun was shining, the sky blue and crystal clear. A slight breeze helped take the edge of the heat and all the preparations had been done for this special day.
Ebyown began many years ago back in the UK as a dream. Now you may be saying ‘here we go some flaky nonsense’ but those who know us well will testify that we are really, really conservative. Anyway while lying in bed Lyn woke me up and said, “Dave, I have had a dream and I believe its from the Lord. I was in a field helping young black children plant seeds in red Earth; I believe we will be helping young orphans.” First of all, Lyn had not been to South Africa and did not know the color of the soil; we were blissfully unaware of the devastation Aids would bring to the children of Africa. It was then that she began to seek the Lord and before we even set foot as a family in Africa the concept of Ebyown was born. All it needed was the Lords timing.
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It was great to see the Lords timing coming to pass on November the 30th as we gathered as friends, family and mission supporters to take time out and dedicate the people and the land to the Lords service among the widows and orphans of Southern Africa. Around two hundred men, women and children helped us mark and celebrate the event and under the warm Sun of Africa we watched another major step in this vision come to pass.
The service was opened in prayer by our good friend John from the coastal assembles, then after a time of praise and worship Fred Blomkaamp our good friend read a letter from Yacov to all concerned, in fact its worth repeating:
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Greetings In Jesus On This Remarkable Day.
It is with the greatest joy that I share in your joy as we formally commence with Ebyown.
We first of all Praise The Lord for His provision for Ebyown and look forward to His provision and blessings in the future as the Moriel Mission Team seek to fulfill the calling in Jesus we have received from Him regarding these orphan children struggling with AIDS and other diseases that are depopulating so much of Black Africa.
I especially thank The Lord for the faithfulness of Dave & Lyn Royle and their family in responding to this call along with the other missionary staff and volunteers.
Our aspiration is that one day in the not too distant future there will be other Ebyown villages in other needy areas of sub Saharan Africa, and that this pilot Ebyown will blossom to the glory of God, the salvation and discipleship of souls, and the Christian alleviation of the human suffering of these and other children.
With Much Love In Him,
James Jacob Prasch
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We then took time to lay hands on Bernard, Mabel and Katie and set them aside for the long task ahead as we start the project. Then I had the pleasure of sharing about the heart of God and the heart of man and how unless Ebyown beats with Gods heart all we will accomplish is another ‘good work’, rather let us have the heart of Christ who not only desires the world to be saved but who also has a heart of compassion for the widow and orphan.
One of the highlights was the New Moriel Community fellowship children’s choir who sang like angels. Credit to Mabel who has been helping them practice.
Finally the even ended with a Brai, plenty of food for everyone who came and a wonderful time of fellowship.
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It was a wonderful start to the village proper. But we still have a long way to go. Houses to build, modifications to make, people to reach. We know that by preaching the gospel we ill have plenty of opposition from the evil one, no one said it would be easy. This month sees our first visitors coming to help us accomplish the task. We have Ian and Beryl from Hindley fellowship in the UK. Then Dave, Anthony and Robert coming all the way from Australia with their building skills. The vision is big, the road ahead is difficult, but together in Christ we can see these young ones come to know Jesus and receive the love and dignity of a Christian family.
God Bless,
Dave Royle
Moriel Missions Director
Southern Africa