Moriel Thailand Missions Report September 2013

Dear believers in grace,

Last month we had a young Japanese lady come to stay with us for about 5 days.   She’s the granddaughter of a friend of ours.   Her parents wanted to give her a chance to improve her English during her school break, and they were OK with us sharing with her from the Bible, too.   She’s never been to church and did not know much about the Bible, but we gave her a New Testament in English and Japanese and also had a chance to bring her with us to a worship service (at Paul’s house, with our Shan students), and take her to the park for preaching the gospel there.   She also came with us to the women’s prison and helped to teach them some Japanese.   Here are a few pictures from our time with our Japanese guests.



Park Ministry

The family that usually comes with us to the park each week is planning to go back to the States for a couple of months, so last week Khae and I went there alone.   Usually there are only about four people in the pavilion, but that day there were more than ten people.   We handed out tracts and then I preached.   It feels a little “cold turkey” to preach without the singing first.   But, it went well.   It seemed like there were at least 4 people who were listening attentively to the message.   Afterwards Khae sang a Christian song for an older man sitting in the pavilion and spoke with him some more about the gospel.

Shan Students

Our Shan students are continuing to come to Paul’s house once a week for a time of worship, Bible teaching, and then an English lesson.   Last week I wasn’t free to teach them English, so one of my former university students agreed to teach them.   As it turned out, he also got to teach them the Bible and at the end of this lesson gave an invitation to see if any of them would like to put their faith in Jesus.   Six of them did!   Praise God for this.   I realize though that in this culture people can do something like that just to be polite, so time will tell what this really meant to them.   But, we are encouraged still that they are motivated to come each week and that they’re showing an interest in Jesus.

As for teaching the Shan novice monks this has been delayed for about two months.   We were invited to teach them, but since this is the Buddhist Lent period, it’s a busy time for them.   We’re hoping the offer will still stand at the end of this period.


A couple of weeks ago at the women’s prison I met a Protestant missionary that I’ve known for a while now.   But, she told me that she’s been working together with a Catholic man to share the gospel for the prisoners.   I was really surprised at this.   But, she reassured me that he has good theology.   I asked her if he has good theology, then why doesn’t he leave the Catholic church?   Anyway, this is a phenomenon that is becoming more and more common.   The lines of distinction are being blurred and people are ignoring what the Bible clearly says on these issues.

Even before meeting this lady, I was preparing a paper for the small group that just met at our house, on this issue of ecumenism.   It’s more just a collection of Bible verses and quotes rather than being an article.   I’m attaching it here if you’d like to take a look.   It only takes a little leaven to leaven the whole lump.   May we be faithful to what the Bible teaches, rather than following people’s ever changing opinions.

Peace in Christ, Scott and Khae.

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