Todd Bentley – A Story of Earth and Heaven

by Mike Oppenheimer
Let Us Reason Ministries

Caught up to deception and a dark visitation

We begin with a video account of Bentley telling his story of going to heaven via a pillar of fire and having the pillar of fire visit his room later. By this account alone he is disqualified from teaching the word, which he has proven, that he has no intention of teaching correctly anyway. Bentley does not seem to be of a sound mind, he certainly is not of sound doctrine.

This is a 10 minute account that contains enough of the story to understand what took place.

(transcript of video)

This video account of him going to heaven begins by him saying “Revelations 10, ooh I love this stuff”  Okay, cause its so alive to me because these are so many experiences I had.”  had’ Rev.10: I still saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven, as a might angel coming down from heaven clothed with a cloud rainbow was on his head his face was like the sun, his feet Charlie, look at this his feet were like pillars of fire

“this angel that has feet like pillars of fire has come to me on several occasions”  Then he recants and then says “I don’t know if it was THIS angel”  “But I’m telling you there are angels in heaven that have feet that are like pillars of fire. (Yes we can read that -there is one)

This might not even be an angel, it might actually be Jesus, The angel of the Lord. So maybe it wasn’t an angel that came to me maybe it was actually Jesus. But let me tell you the experience.” 

I was in Seattle Washington at a public meeting and as the speaker was speaking I was sitting in the front row; he pauses to say, “I’m telling you is the truth now- everything I’m telling you is the truth- I shouldn’t have to say I’m telling you the truth. (at least according to his mindset). Jesus did that, every once in a while, kind of reemphasizing what he was saying he wanted make sure recapture you attention really what I’m saying, this is important listen up.

Bentley- “The atmosphere around me starts changing and become electric, like is there some kind of angelic being moving around here now” ¦ so I’m sitting in the front row and all of a sudden the atmosphere around me starts changing and like become electric, and I” ˜m like- is there some kind of angelic being moving around me right now” ¦ have you ever had that sense that something was going, you couldn’t see in the invisible realm but you were sure aware of it, either demonically or angelically, okay so I’m sitting there trying to listen to the speaker and all of a sudden I’m aware of like an electrical presence, an electrical, it was like electricity and it was like 2-3 feet in front of me”  right in front of my chair, it was like a whirlwind actually, it was swirling, it was swirling like a whirlwind. And it was very electric and so I’m sitting there and I heard the Lord say “put your hand out. And I” ˜m thinking, God were listening to the speaker and the lord’s speaking to me put your hand out. So I put my hand out and heres what happened RRRRRR (I didn’t hear that noise that’s for you)

“it was like putting my hand into an electrical forcefield.”  Everytime I stuck my hand out the atmosphere was like RRRRRRR” ¦RRRRR and then I thought what is this “and God says it’s a portal, an open heaven” .

” ˜and then you know what I saw? A pillar of fire “just like God brought Israel out with a pilla” ¦I have 4 ft. maybe it was 3 ft. this pillar,” ¦ that went through the church roof. A round pillar of living fire, blue, red, sparks I mean it was pillar of fire, moving fire went right up through the church roof. I’m looking at Bill Johnson , he speaking I have a pillar of fire here God’s telling me it’s a portal and its like the bush that was consumed but did not burn I thought can this be happening to me . I’m having a Moses experience in Seattle. There’s this pillar of fire here and the lord says put your hand in it and your first thought is I’m going to burn my arm off. So, I put my hand in it RRRR and it was a real pillar of fire.

So I say what do you want me to do God what do you want me to do God, he says get in. I said now, God you want me to get in the pillar of fire, I’ve got a pillar of fire that is appeared at my meeting and you want me to climb in it. One, nobody else can see the pillar of fire. Two, if I’m going to climb in it anyone at the meeting looking at me is going to see me laying on the floor, they’re not going to see the pillar of fire and I’m going to look like a fool, Bill’s speaking.

I’m wrestling with God he says get in the Pillar of fire”  so I get in to the pillar of fire ” “ as soon as I get in to the pillar of fire my entire body starts going RAAAAAAR and I go up through the church roof in the pillar of fire, its transporting me- I’m in the pillar of fire, its like beam me up, up through this pillar, I’m through the church roof and all of a sudden I, I land, when I say land I mean crash on an operating table in heaven”  this si a prophetic experience just in case you didn’t know. I mean, you were there charlie you probably remember the sounds; and the sights, okay. So, I’m gone, I’m in heaven on an operating table. The first thing I’m thinking, I don’t watch CSI very often I just started, its interesting, and I’m thinking I’m in an autopsy room or something that’s the first thought, I thought I’m on one of those tables. That’s my first thought y’know I’m in this room appear 4 angels that look like men don’t worry they weren’t like glorious living creatures like seraphim thy were just like guys in white coats but they were angels they had appearance of men two angels stood on one side of the operating table. And two angels stood on the other side of the operating table and honest truth they wrenched me down, I don’t know what it was they tied me down with but all of a sudden my hands and my ankles were fastened to this table but don’t tell me, this is a little graphic. I’m thinking they’re going to do a surgery on me and I’m awake that’s my first thought they are going to do a surgery on me ” “ your going t o operated on by these angels and heres what happens, I’m thinking they are going to pull out a scapel and go like (sound) and cut me open And all of a sudden I hear this sound like a mitre saw rrrrrrrr a mitre saw like one of those things before brain surgery, they rrrr . y’know they cut your skull , they pick this thing up and I I literally thought (sound) and they put this thing and they stuck it in me right here on my neck and it didn’t hurt but here’s what happened they went (sound of cutting him open) right down to my lowards and all of sudden my stomach went puchh and everything inside of me popped out onto the table, my heart, my liver like everything. And I’m lying there and you want to scream because you think it should hurt but it doesn’t hurt. and your lying there and your arrr arrr all your insides are, here’s the strangest thing. so then here’s what happens the angels start taking these white boxes, they were white boxes (small), I mean like a little Christmas present, but they were white boxes and they were stuff, have you ever seen anyone stuff a turkey” ¦ and they start stuffing these things inside of me They t stuffing these boxes all over and I heard the verse “I desire truth in the inward parts.” 

”  I said Go what’s happening – God responds, “Todd this is something I’m doing on the church today as an acceleration, He says “I’m supernaturally imparting the character, the revelation and the knowledge that I need the church to have to so they can do the do the work I need them to do because the laborers are few.” 

He said e said “I don’t have the thirty forty years to prepare a vessel.”  Moses 40 years , 80 years ” ¦ I don’t have. I’m doing something quick there’s going to be people who get saved and I’m going to open them up and supernaturally place inside of them 10 years of knowledge, wisdom and even character because of the fruits of the spirit. And so These boxes represent character attributes” ¦” and God, so I desire truth, I said whoa that’s pretty awesome and so I come back to meeting, not come back like I wake up I’m in the meeting again

And the Lord says get off the floor get back to your hotel room – right now, I’m going to visit you in power for one hour. I thought whoa, what’s going on. So I said Charlie quick, the lord told me to get back to the hotel room he’s going visit me in power for one hour, you want to come? Grab your son. Randy, randy Clark was with me, I took a couple of his interns. My father was with me and one other person. and uh So lets go and we went back to the hotel and we went to charlies room in the hotel in Seattle. And uh I looked at my watch it was a quarter to twelve, or a quarter to eleven, a quarter to eleven. And we opened the hotel door and looked at the clock a quarter to eleven we didn’t even have to pray, the moment the door closed, the moment I said it was a quarter to eleven Instantly without anybody prayingboom the holy visitation fell on the room and everybody in the room was caught up with me in the visions I mean, all you could hear was aaargh, arrgh (torturing sounds) everybody was shaking y’know and people were having open visions Charlie was skiing on the mountain of the Lord. I was screaming out fire, its consuming me fire, y’know charlies son was in a vision, my father was in a vis,”all at the same time, it was rad.” 

“So anyways an hour after the power of God encounter to make a long story short what happen was the angel came into the room that had the feet like pillars of fire again” ¦ Into the hotel room and in the natural the whole hotel room filled with smoke, everybody in the room smelt it. 12 hours later those two hotel rooms burnt to the ground, above charlies room. Above charlies room the angel to come down to those to hotel rooms on his way down to visit us those two hotel rooms caught fire for real and burnt down. I said God I’m going to get a reputation. “In fact the next year people did not want to stay above my room or under my room nobody wanted to be near my room last year in Seattle I thought what is this and the Holy Spirit showed me the angel in Revelation 10.” 

Account one (the video)

Lets go over his supernatural experience. As in- cohesive as the details are in his storyline we will look at the Bible to validate this and then the other stories of the same experience to see how they compare.

This angel has appeared to Bentley numerous times yet he still does not know if it is an angel or Jesus, or even the same one. Would we not know if we are in the presence of our creator or a creature? So Bentley who has had angels and Jesus come to him on several occasions cannot tell who this is? The Lord said he would come, instead it’s an angel.

Bentley repeats the phrase pillar of fire over 20 times in 10 minutes, which gives the impression of suggestion, planting it as valid experience to the audience, crafting his experience as realistic as the one recorded in Rev.10 that he began with.

God tells him it’s a portal, an open heaven

a pillar of fire just like God brought Israel out” ¦ A portal is something used in the new age and the Bible has nothing of any similarity. This pillar of fire becomes a teleporter like star trek? A pillar of fire just like Israel! Not at all. This pillar of fire is a transporter. Everyone in Israel saw the pillar (which was also a cloud by day) as it protected them and gave them light at night. It was the glory of the Lord and I can promise you that it was not electricity,and it was not a portal. Bentley also says his experience was like Moses and the burning bush. God told Moses not come closer he was on holy Ground, in this experience God supposedly tells Bentley to jump in. One thing we need to distinguish, Moses had a spiritual experience, What Bentley describes is an experience with what he and others call the spiritual realm.

Bentley is concerned about getting in it, because no one else sees it and he will be seen laying on the floor looking like a fool as the speaker is still speaking they see him lying on the floor- so what, this happens all the times at these meetings and is not considered unusual.

He says the electric is an angel, which he stuck his hand in several times and then God tells him it’s a portal, which is now a pillar of fire.He had already put his hand in it several times and is reluctant to put his hand in it because he’s concerned it’s going to burn his arm off.

Bentley asks what do you want me to do God, he says get in. He immediately crashes on an “operating table in heaven”  with angels he describes as guys in white coats (apropo). 2 on each side strapping him down. Bentley is not the first person to be operated on by these angels. This sounds more like the stories of alien abductions, not anything that occurred or was taught in the Bible. He recieves invasive surgery performed by these so called “angels”  that were waiting for him (guess they have no anesthesia). He assures the audience they weren’t like glorious living creatures like seraphim, as if after hearing his story of being transported through the pillar of fire people are going to be concerned that he saw glorious angels. This does not sound like God’s angels at all. If this is real, they are fallen angels. Are we to believe Bentley went up through Jesus feet as he referred to Rev.10, the Angel’s feet as pillars of fire and is then “stuffed”  with little white boxes? The white boxes represent character attributes but they are not the character attributes. This is more than just strange, it is ridiculous!

He hears- I desire truth in the inward parts- (a Freudian slip of his imagination maybe). Does this mean he had no truth that God could find? In reality the story lacks any biblical precedent and is far from being like the truth delivered by God in the Bible. Bentley says he does not watch much CSI, maybe not, but he certainly seems to be a Sci-fi fan.Of course he has to add this is a prophetic experience. In his description he says you were there Charlie you probably remember the sounds” ¦ and the sights. This confuses the story further, since no one is supposed to have seen any of this, Charlie was not there in this experience (but was in the hotel).

God sets an appointment with him for “an hour of power” ? He is told to go back to his hotel room- Instead He goes back to Charlie’s room with several people, is he disobedient? 7 people along with Todd, makes 8 in the room. This is an important detail as it contradicts other stories of how many people were there.

Instantly after he tells them the time a quarter to eleven (10:45 at their hotel room) everybody in the room was caught up with me in the visions

He says everyone is having their own vision “all at the same time, one of them was “Skiing on the mountain of the Lord”  in heaven (snow in heaven?)

God tells him he does not have 40 years? Is God limited by his own time clock? Does he not hold the future in his hand?

The angel that has the feet like pillars of fire enters hotel room, it is filled with smoke, everybody smells it.

12 hours later two hotel rooms above them burnt to the ground. So he’s now concerned he is going to get a reputation. “In fact next year people did not want to stay above my room or under my room.”  Nobody wants to be near his room as if God is going to burn them! Shows what kind of teaching they have on God. I think he should be more concerned about his stories, that should be listed as charismatic fables.

This story of Bentley’s experience has not been told only once but numerous times. And each story seems to have some different details that alter the story and even contradict the other stories. As we look at the details given, the time, the room burning and even what happened, one is faced with trying to piece together some very contradictory portions, and it elicits more questions than there are answers. ‚   Moses’ bush burned but was not consumed. Since when does God judge principalities by destroying hotel rooms?

There are too many similarities to William Branham and others in this story. He is trying to fill William Branham’s shoes in many ways.

The details of this video we will now compare to other accounts he wrote down.

Second story

A firey angelic visitor

“Now I’m going to share a recent prophetic encounter with you to further illustrate what God wants to do today. I was recently in Seattle, Washington participating in a ‘Healing Explosion’ conference. During that conference, I had a profound visitation. It was about ten o’clock at night and Bill Johnson, one of the speakers, was speaking. During his message, an angel dropped down in front of me. Nobody else could see the angel, but I could. The angel’s feet were like pillars of fire. As this portal opened up in the spirit realm, my spirit eyes opened and I could see an opening about four foot by four foot which the angel had opened. This rip, like a black hole, opened up in the sky.

A pillar of smoke and a pillar of fire appeared and I could feel this energy in the room. I stuck my hand out and it felt like it was going into an electrical force field. Then I shouted out, “What’s going on!” I started to shake but I didn’t want anyone to notice I’m having a prophetic encounter. I didn’t want to interrupt the sermon.

Then I ask the Lord, “What do want to do with this?” He says, ‘Climb in, climb in. Just soak’.” So that’s what I did. I just lay down at the altar and the Lord took me up into visions. I first went up into a scene from ancient Roman days with these seven huge pillars around me. Then God said, “These are the seven pillars of revelation”. Revelation 10:1 describes the same scene (every prophetic experience is in the bible): “I saw a mighty angel come down from heaven clothed with a cloud. His rainbow was on his head. His face was like the sun. He had feet like pillars of fire…”

Standing Among Pillars Of Revelation

The book of Revelation also talks about seven pillars which, the Lord shows me, were the seven spirits which rested on Jesus in Revelation 11:2. Here I am standing in the midst of the seven pillars of Revelation in a prophetic vision wondering what it is and the Lord says, “Proverbs 9:1”. This is what the verse says: “Wisdom has built her house. She has cut out her seven pillars.” I realize these are the seven pillars of wisdom and the Lord tells me “they’re also the seven pillars of Isaiah 11:2.” This passage reads: “The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.” Suddenly I realize that this experience is a sign of a new dimension of revelation God’s about to release in the Church today.

As I come out of this experience and get up off of the carpet, the Lord says, “Get back to your hotel room. I’m going to visit you in power for one hour”. So I grab some guys, one of Randy Clark’s interns and a couple of my team and we rush back to the hotel room. It’s five minutes to eleven when I pull my truck into the parking lot. We run into the hotel room at one minute to eleven. Everybody lays on the carpet at eleven o’clock on the nose. The power of God falls and every single person in the room starts screaming, shaking and vibrating. Everyone goes into visions simultaneously at eleven o’clock – five guys experiencing a simultaneous vision, seeing the same things at the same time. I had a vision of a fire and I started yelling out “My God is a consuming fire! My God is a consuming fire!” As I see the fire come down I scream, “The fire, the fire! Burn up my flesh! I want to feel the fire!”

Holy Smoke and Fragrance

I’m in this prophetic experience about the fire of God and in the natural realm the whole room fills with smoke and everybody smells it. My dad, who’s been a Christian for a year and a half says, “Todd, I’m in a room in heaven right now and there’s filing cabinets everywhere. The Lord opened a filing cabinet and he brought out a little book.” The moment he spoke that, in my vision, I was already ripping a scroll from a book and eating it. I know this sounds wild and you’re probably thinking ‘come on’! The next thing I scream out, “I’m in a room full of spices”. I see these little jars of spices – like cinnamon, garlic and oregano. The scene goes on farther than my eyes can see – wall-to-wall spice jars. Then I yell out, “The spices, the fragrant spices, the aromas!” and the whole room fills with the fragrance of the Lord. In that moment, in the natural, everybody smells burning cinnamon.

You may be reading this thinking, “This is too much. I’ve heard of guys having visions but everybody being caught up into the same vision Todd?” I’m just sharing a profound, unusual, prophetic encounter that tells us, “God’s about to visit us in a whole new dimension of revelation and wisdom. He’s releasing Isaiah 11:2” ¦.

Now, back in our hotel encounter I’m asking God, “O.K. God, what’s going on? The fire comes down, the whole room is filled with the smell of smoke and now the fragrance comes down. What does it mean for the church today?” He directs me to the Song of Solomon 3:6 where the king asks, “Who is this coming out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke?” That’s what I’m asking: “Who is this in my hotel room like pillars of smoke?” It continues: “(He’s) perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all the merchant’s fragrant powders” ¦.

At twelve o’clock, everybody comes out of the prophetic encounter. The presence of the Lord lifts and I look at the clock – it’s just a couple minutes before midnight. Praise God, I’m speaking in the meeting tomorrow night at the Reality of the Supernatural conference. But what does all this mean? At eleven o’clock the next day, the very two hotel rooms above me where the angel stepped down, burned to the ground. And it burned till twelve o’clock exactly. We get back to the hotel and the whole hotel is now filled with the smell of smoke.

To validate my vision, the Lord brought a judgement on a principality and literally burned up the two hotel rooms right above the room where the visitation took place in the spiritual realm. All the hotel staff start gathering around and they want to hear about the visitation and what took place. They are amazed at the story of what took place. And get this – when the fire started coming down at about 11:20 at night, the lady in the hotel room above us, called the front desk and said, “I hear crackling in the walls. I think there’s a fire. I hear it burning.” So they checked it out – it was nothing. All the power in that area of the hotel went out except for our room. The very next day, the room is burned down.

Through this experience I believe the Lord is saying He’s going to validate the prophetic words and the visions and dreams of the prophets by releasing signs in the heavens above and wonders on the earth beneath. It’s going to become commonplace in the church today.” 

Examination of the Second story

In this second encounter he calls it a visitation and is sure it is an angel. It is both a pillar of smoke and a pillar of fire. He stuck his hand in the pillar of smoke and a pillar of fire and it felt like it was going into an electrical force field.

This time he shouted out, “What’s going on!” not asked as he did previously.

Instead of the lord telling him to put his hand in The lord tells him to, climb in. Just soak’.” Which is not what he said in the video. Instead of laying down not to attract attention he laid down at the altar and the Lord took me up into visions” 

He never laid down at the altar in the first story.

This time instead of immediately crashing on a table ” I first went up into a scene from ancient Roman days with these seven huge pillars around me.

But in the first story he immediately crashed onto a table in heaven and did not go to ancient Rome.

Bentley says book of Revelation also talks about seven pillars, the Lord shows him these are the seven spirits which rested on Jesus in Revelation 11:2. his interpretation is Complete nonsense, especially it being a new dimension to the church. His so called prophetic experience has nothing to do with the Bible speaking of 7 pillars in Revelation. Isa.11 is describing 7 attributes of the Spirit that are upon Jesus, and these are not called pillars.

Keep in mind Bentley says ” every prophetic experience is in the Bible,”  unfortunately, none of this is in the Bible except for a few words he uses to force the meaning of his unbiblical supernatural experience.

They are in the hotel room at one minute to eleven. Everybody lays on the carpet at eleven o’clock on the nose. The power of God falls and every single person in the room starts screaming, shaking and vibrating. Everyone goes into visions simultaneously at eleven o’clock – five guys experiencing a simultaneous vision, seeing the same things at the same time. In the video (story one) he says it began exactly at quarter to eleven.

These are all important details that contradict other stories’

There are only 5 people in the room, not 8. In this account everyone is receiving the same vision (same things at the same time) no one is skiing on the heavenly mountain.

He is screaming out, “I’m in a room full of spices.” I see these little jars of spices – like cinnamon, garlic and oregano. wall-to-wall spice jars. He yells out, “The spices, the fragrant spices, the aromas!” and the whole room fills with the fragrance of the Lord. In the natural, everybody smells burning cinnamon. This too is not mentioned in the other stories.

it’s just a couple minutes before midnight when everyone come out of the visions At twelve o’clock, everybody comes out of the prophetic encounter about 11:20 at night, the lady in the hotel room above us, called the front desk and said, “I hear crackling in the walls. I think there’s a fire. I hear it burning.”

“All the power in that area of the hotel went out except for our room. The very next day, the room is burned down.”  which room ” “ theirs? This would mean three rooms. The power going out is not included in every story.
At eleven o’clock the next day, the very two hotel rooms above me where the angel stepped down, burned to the ground. And it burned till twelve o’clock exactly. We get back to the hotel and the whole hotel is now filled with the smell of smoke.

He explains the Lord brought judgment on a principality by literally burning up the two hotel rooms right above the room where the visitation took place. All the hotel staff start gathering around and they want to hear about the visitation and what took place and were amazed.

I would think after two hotel rooms burn and you have some strange looking guy telling you a very strange story about angels causing it that he would be questioned by them and the Fire department.

Third story

Heaven’s Realities – Part 2 of 2

Another time I was one of the guest speakers in a conference in Seattle, Washington, and while I was listening to one of the other speakers, suddenly it was like I was in a trance. About three feet in front of me a blue pillar of light appeared, and I began putting my hand into it. I could feel something sort of “electrical.”  So I asked a couple of people sitting beside me if they could see it, but they couldn’t. Seeing that pillar, and it went up like a tornado into heaven, I began asking the Lord, “What do you want me to do with this?”  He said, “Get in it.”  But I wondered if I would disturb the meeting, and while I remained seated, God repeated, “Get in it.”  So I jumped off my chair and jumped into the pillar of blue light. Instantly, I was in heaven. (I won’t go into what took place in heaven.)

Back at the meeting, when the experience was over, God said, “Go back to your hotel room. I’m going to visit you in power for one hour.”  So I told this to a few of the other guys, and after I asked if anyone wanted to come with me, they decided to come.

As soon as we got inside the hotel room I was impressed with the thought that it was important to remember what time it was, so I said, “Everybody, take note of the time.”  Then, in unison, we all said, “It’s quarter to eleven.”  Now the “atmosphere”  had been normal but as soon as we said, “quarter to eleven,”  instantly, bam, the glory fell, and fire. I was lying on my bed. Everyone was suddenly having a supernatural encounter, shaking” ”two people were in the same vision and another guy was in different one. I was screaming, “The fire, the fire, I’m burning up! The fire!”  and right then, an angel appeared. His appearance reminded me of the angel spoken of in the Book of Revelation in Chapter 10: “Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven . . . and his feet (legs) were like columns of fire”  (v. 1, Amplified Bible, emphasis mine). He stood over my bed; two pillars of burning fire!

Then, just as quickly as it all began, it was over. All of a sudden the atmosphere was ordinary again and everyone was as normal as you and I. We looked at the clock and it was quarter to twelve, to the exact minute. The power of God fell for one hour. We were all awed by the experience. But what happened next really shocked us! About twelve hours later not only did that particular hotel room catch fire, but so did some other rooms! Totally burned to a crisp! Why? Because the reality of what happens in the spiritual heavenly realm affects what happens in this (earthly) realm. We’re talking about heaven’s realities, making heaven real.

Examining story three

suddenly he is in a trance, a blue pillar of light appeared, in the other account its blue and other colors and it came after the presence of the angel.

He asks a couple of people sitting beside him if they could see it, they said no (of course). In the first and second story he did not speak to anyone on purpose. Bentley is saying that he had eyes to see this and no one else was a spiritual enough to sense it in the spirit?

This God immediately told him to “Get in it”  Bentley did not ask him questions about the pillar.

I jumped off my chair and jumped into the pillar of blue light. Instantly, I was in heaven.

The other story he went to the altar- and he went to Rome with the 7 pillars before heaven?

In this account at the hotel, in unison, we all said, “It’s quarter to eleven.”  Now, as soon as we said, “quarter to eleven,”  instantly, bam, the glory fell, and fire. I was lying on my bed” .

In the second story Everybody lays on the carpet at eleven o’clock on the nose. First story (video ) its a quarter to eleven

In this experience two people have the same vision and another a different one. That is 3 people not 5 not 8

We looked at the clock and it was quarter to twelve, to the exact minute. The power of God fell for one hour.

I was screaming, “The fire, the fire, I’m burning up! The fire!”  and right then, an angel appeared.

it was quarter to twelve, to the exact minute.Second story it is twelve o’clock, everybody comes out of the prophetic encounter.

About twelve hours later he mentions that not only did that particular hotel room catch fire, but so did some other rooms!

So it appears his room apparently burnt, that makes three rooms not two. This is significant because he said in the second story it was a judgment on a principality. This becomes a larger problem ‚   because he stated previously it was the two hotel rooms right above the room where the visitation took place burned. “the very two hotel rooms above me where the angel stepped down, burned to the ground”  If they are burnt to the ground the fire department would be called in and there would a record of it, we did not find any.

Overall when you have this many conflicts in three accounts of the same story it does not give credence to its validity.Maybe these details can be overlooked by some, and I suspect those who want to believe it will. But there seems to be a problem when it is so varied. As the saying goes, the devil is in the details. In these stories he certainly is.

Let me summarize all this. The idea of God or the Holy Spirit as electricity is outrageous, He is a person, he has power but it is not electric, it is not nuclear nor is it laser.

Imagine if Moses had several different details in his stories -what if Moses said the bush was burning and not consumed and then says it was consumed, or it was not a bush but a rock, or in his story of going up Mt. Sinai, he had been given one commandment before the others and that their were not 10 commandments, but says there were 11, would he be trustworthy? Bentley’s account is more like Joseph Smith and his encounter in the grove where they accumulated at least 6-9 different accounts. When you are not telling the truth it is harder to keep the story straight- the more times you tell it the more it changes. Bentley’s story is not even consistent in itself. He has crisscrossed reality with his imagination and the Bible. His passive aggressive story telling is very convincing until one examines it against the word of God and finds no true correlation.

It’s only when one does not have a true experience that they come up with different versions of the same story, the extra details are not enhancing the story but diminish its accuracy to the point that it becomes much like Joseph Smith. These points are more than embellishments, the differences are not mistakes.

As far as we could find with our research there was a conference advertised at this time at Seattle Washington. But we have found no evidence of a hotel fire like Bentley describes prior to the date of Bentley’s articles or video (which is dated May 2003). Bentleys ministry has been contacted over a week ago ( this is now May 26, 2008) and has not responded or produced the evidence of the name of the hotel or the date the fire occurred. ‚   So far the evidence is in his mind. Unless Bentley can tell us where this occurred, in what hotel in Seattle it took place, it brings into question the whole matter.

Info on Randy Clark and Bill Johnson

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