United Methodist Bishop Under Fire for Biblical Stance

Cal Thomas
Syndicated Columnist

United Methodist bishops are taking sides over a Chicago bishop’s questioning of traditional doctrines about Jesus, including the virgin birth and a physical resurrection.

Heresy isn’t new, of course. These things have been around in every generation.

Chicago’s Bishop Joseph Sprague is the heretic in this case. He’s got a new book coming out, which raises such questions.

The Methodist bishops of Florida and North Carolina have publicly challenged him. The South Carolina bishop endorses his beliefs.

The Chicago bishop says he is being quoted out of context. But what context is there about the virgin birth of Jesus and his bodily resurrection? These doctrines are either true or false.

Paul, the Apostle, addressed such questions. He said if Christ be not raised, then we are still dead in our sins. It sounds like the Chicago Methodist bishop has a larger problem than his false doctrines to sort out.

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