An Eschatological Perspective
by James Jacob Prasch
Jesus indeed warned of an increase in seismic activity in the Last Days, and in the books of Romans and Revelations we see natural disasters described as emblematic of the creation itself crying out before the return of Jesus. Indeed, geologists reported that the force of the Boxing Day Christmas earthquake actually jolted the earth”s axis rotation. Having experienced Hurricane Jean, the fourth and worst of the consecutive 2004 hurricanes to hit Florida while visiting my unsaved mother in West Palm Beach, one cannot help but relate the increase in such natural disasters to a chain of other world events matching biblical descriptions of the Last Days. While preaching in Singapore several months ago I had been invited to lecture at a Thailand Bible college, and only by the mercy of God I had ministry and family matters to deal with in Israel and decided not to go to Thailand at Christmas, or else our daughter and myself would quite probably have been in Phuket, an area badly hit by the tsunamis on Boxing Day. The Lord was indeed gracious to us.
No one can be untouched by the incredible loss of human life and the consequent suffering caused by the tsunamis. Our ministry, Moriel, is collecting funds to assist certain local Evangelical ministries in the area familiar to us which are involved in the relief effort. A 9.0 earthquake on the Richter scale is larger than all the earthquakes in the last 5 years put together. The tectonic shift generated waves moving at 400 mph and reaching unbelievable heights in some cases of over 40 meters (over 120 ft.). The danger of cholera and water-born diseases threatens to kill more but most of the huge numbers of ‚ missing must be reckoned as dead, elevating the 160,000 figure at the time of this writing. ‚ However, what of the other facts the media is not reporting?
When my brother-in-law was murdered by the Moslems on September 11th in the Twin Towers, it was painful for me to confront the fact that the nearly 3,000 victims was smaller than the ‚ number of babies aborted in the USA nearly every day ” “ but no one said a word about the dead babies. Yet in God’s eyes, both are atrocities. So too, the 150,000 dead from the tsunamis (most in Indonesia) is less than the 200.000 Christians murdered by the Moslems in East Timor in Indonesia. Yet, unlike when the tsunamis claimed massive numbers of lives, when the Moslems butchered the Christians ” “ likewise no one hardly uttered a word.
Of the 160,000 known dead thus far from the tsunamis, over 100,000 are in the Aceh area of northern Sumatra, Indonesia ” “ a region saturated with fundamentalist Moslems. When lecturing at an Indonesian Bible college last summer, an Indonesian pastor told me of his inability to return home as the Moslems carried out their campaign of violent persecution of Christians. If we add the ‚ Moslem dead of Malaysia, where people are imprisoned for becoming Christians, and the Islamic fundamentalist areas of Southern Thailand where Moslem violence threatens Thailand’s peace, and the Moslem communities in Sri Lanka, the tsunami victims may be well over 70% Moslem, many of them fundamentalist Moslems ‚ supporting the persecution of Christians, and are vehemently anti-Semitic and sympathetic to Islamo-Fascist jihadist terror.
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If we account for the Phuket region, the Andaman Island, and Sri Lanka, the rest of ‚ the victims are mainly Buddhist, Hindu, and westerners. ‚ But all of these together is less than one third of the Moslem fatalities, and these figures are set to intensify and are already growing by the hour. The second greatest number of fatalities (presently around 30,000) is in the Tamil Tiger region of Sri Lanka, another place where local Christians have been persecuted. As Christians, we are called to love our enemies and bless them that persecute us. ‚ Christianized nations such as America, Britain and Europe, and Australia ‚ are providing most of the assistance, but why does Wahabist Saudi Arabia which beheads and hangs people for their faith not become a major donor since these savages who judiciously murder Christians to the silence of the American and British governments, have the oil wealth to finance the very fundamentalism that breeds terror? The global media is also ignoring the disproportionately generous assistance sent from Israel.
In fact the oil rich United Arab Emirates scarcely donated $2 million dollars. While America, Britain, Japan, Australia, and Europe donated hundreds of millions instantly, ‚ the barbarian Saudi Arabian regime donated $155 million to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers but only $10 million to the Moslems tsunami victims of Aceh. ‚ Only because ‚ Judeo-Christianity is morally superior to fundamentalist Islam have the ‚ civilized Judeo-Christian countries ‚ given generouly to those who often hate them, while ‚ Moslem nations ‚ turn their backs on their own kind. Like ‚ the demonic savages they are, they have money for terror and hatred but not for their own Red Crescent tsunami relief effort. Would Moslem countries help ‚ Western countries in such an emergency when they will not even help their own? The Moslem ‚ countries moreover turned their backs on their fellow Moslems when their oil revenues had doubled. Is it fair that Bush and Clinton ask Americans to give to Moslems who largely hate us when oil rich Moslems ‚ ignore the please of the helpless Moslem victims but have money to throw away in ‚ the financing of terror and murder? Such however is the hypocrisy of politicians and the animalistic treachery of ‚ the ‚ heathen Islamic world.
International oil interests who control so much of Western government policy may be sure that Western leaders don’t stand up to the Islamo-Fascism that breeds its persecution of Christian in places like Indonesia. But an angry God has taken matters into His own hands. While the world media and the corrupt and hypocritical politicians in Washington, London, and Brussels amplify the devastation caused by tsunamis, ignored the cries of the Christians persecuted by Islam in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka, God does not. The tsunamis are without doubt an act of God and reflect the judgment of an angry God who has seen the plight of Christian martyrs in this region devastated by the tsunamis, and foremost the tsunamis are a divine judgment on the Islam of Indonesia for its persecution of Christians, including the murder of Christian children. The Lord avenges His people. The tsunamis are ‚ but the ‚ begining of God’s wrath against Islam. I have no doubt ‚ God will likewise avenge His people in Africa and The Middle East suffering under the satanic sword of ‚ Islamic fundamentalism.
Not all the victims are of course Moslem or Tamil. Of the ‚ ‚ roughly 10,000 ‚ westerners missing ‚ 2 ‚ ,000 ‚ ‚ are ‚ Swedish. ‚ There are far more Swedish victims than from any other European country and in fact significantly more Swedes appear to have died in the Phuket region than local Thais. Given that Sweden’s population is only 9 million, in proportionate terms, Swedish losses far exceed that of any other Western country. ‚ Sweden is the country that recently jailed an Evangelical clergyman for preaching against homosexuality and was the first country in Europe to ban the public reading of biblical passages warning against homosexuality as unnatural and immoral. Few in Sweden seemed to care. ‚ Such nations defy God at their own peril.
We are not suggesting that this is God’s hand calling these people to repent. On the contrary, God’s Word tells us in the Book of Revelation that it will only increase their rejection of God and cause them to curse Him even more. This is merely God’s wrath and a harbinger of further judgments to come. Yet it remains our prayer that this tragedy will cause at least some of the survivors and the bereaved families to seek the One True God for His forgiveness and salvation. God is ‚ indeed angry, yet He is still ‚ a God ‚ ‚ of mercy ‚ who is near to those who mourn. We urge prayer for and assistance to these victims.