Newest Members of the Royle Family

Please can I introduce you to our latest members of the Royle Family.

The first photo is Prudence and she is 8 years old. Physically she is in very poor condition with TB, HIV+, Just recovered from Pnuemonia and terribly thin weighing in at 12kg. She also appears to have an earnia which we shall get a medical opinion asap.

She is obviously very shy and apprehensive, coming into the noisy Royle houshold is enough to worry anybody, but we hope she will settle down soon.

The next photo is Lezwi. Lezwi is from the Xhosa people grouip and he was abandoned by his mother. His father trgically dies and he was left with an aunt and uncle who have since seperated.

He is a lovely kid, full of health and vitality.We will keep you up to date with the children, but we have the promise from God that what we do for one of these little ones we do for him and that God is the father of the Fatherless and the family unit is the best place to be.

The last photo is our extended family.

God Bless,

Dave & Lyn

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