Moriel Missions Southern Africa – May 2003

Greetings in the lovely name of Yeshua.

As a family and as a ministry we have probably come through one of our busiest and toughest times yet. This longer than usual newsletter with a new format will bring you up to speed.

First of all thank you to those who prayed for Dave during his illnesses. Dave had to have a small operation to remove a benign Tumour in February, in fact he wasn’t to pleased at spending his birthday under the knife and then after the successful mission to Limpopo he found he has contracted Tick Bite Fever which really knocked him off his feet. But praise the Lord he is now back to his usual self.

Lyn is as busy as ever with the children, she is preparing at the moment to receive a new child, hopefully later on this month. We are hoping for a little girl to be a play mate for Paulina. We plan to foster a HIV- girl so that Paulina will enjoy a long term family member, we have to remind ourselves that S’phewi and Johannes will one day go home to be with the Lord and this will have an effect on Paulina. So it will be good for her to also have children around her who she can grow up with and lead a normal life span.

Paulina in herself is developing quite well, we now catheterise her every two hours in preparation for her adult life. In a few weeks time we will also be starting a program of colonic irrigation. This will mean that in conjunction with the catheters she will be free from wearing nappies by the time she is 8 years old and be able to lead a fairly normal life. Her personality is also developing and she has become a cheeky young madam at times. It has been great to see her bonding with all the family members but as you can imagine Lyn is her favourite.

S’phewi has had more than his fair share of infections and opportune fungal deceases over the last few months, please pray for him. He is a very happy child and has developed not only a northern accent but a northern sense of humour as well.

Infections and opportune fungal deceases over the last few months, please pray for him. He is a very happy child and has developed not only a northern accent but a northern sense of humour as well.

Johannes continues to thrive and grow strong. In fact you would not believe he is HIV+. Doctors are now having to rethink how they categorise some of the children in South Africa. HIV was seen as a terminal illness but some of the young ones are breaking all the rules and living to their late teens and so HIV is seen by some as a Chronic problem. Looks as though Johannes could be one of them but with HIV you never know.

Anthony continues to develop his writing career, he is working on a book at the moment called ‘The Whale Induna’, writing the memoirs for the widow of a man who cared for Whales off the Cape. Also he has been writing for a Water Sport magazine which has given him valuable experience.

Christopher has just come back from the UK where he toured with his Dad and met up with family and old school friends. He has just started his two year diploma in Industrial Chemistry and desires to pursue a career in that area. Writing also continues to be a huge factor in his life and his desire is to have one of his short stories published.

Aaron is quite excited at the moment. He is due to have soccer trials with premier side ‘Jomo Cosmo’s’ and this week he tries out for our local side ‘Springs FC’. He is currently working on his fitness and runs 12kms per day. With his new soccer boots and fitness training I am sure there will be no stopping him. But just in case he doesn’t make it in the pro’s he is also wanting to have a career either as a sport physiotherapist or FA coach.

UK Visit

Thank you to all the people who hosted Dave, Alistair and Chris during their stay in the UK. Especially to Dave’s Mum and Dad along with his sister Joanne and husband David, who fed and watered them too well. (Dave put on 5kg)
The tour went extremely well and they were able to share not only the Word of God but also how the mission field has opened up in Southern Africa. It was also time to meet new friends who have been corresponding with us and yet we had not seen face to face. Dave will be flying to Manchester next May God willing. If you want him to share at your fellowship then please contact our number for details.


Dave has been given the opportunity to share down under with Moriel Australia. If any of our Australian friends want to meet up or come and see Dave at one of the meetings just watch the Moriel web site on for details or you can contact Moriel admin Sheila ‘Margaret Godwin. Just click Jacobs itinerary and you will find a link to Dave’s itinerary in August. Dave will not only be sharing about the work in Africa but also teaching on a Biblical perspective of Mission.

Jacobs Visit

This went very well with Jacob appearing not only at Aletheia but at Elijah ministries in Jo’berg, Cape town and Durban. Jacob also lectured for the Missions college on the subjects of Biblical revival, Cross cultural evangelism, the theology of conversion and three lectures on the pastoral aspects of 1&2 Timothy. We had a blessed time of fellowship the highlight of which was a mad drive down to Cape Town with our good friend Fred Blompkamp. I will not tell you the speeds he was travelling at, all I know is the circulation in my knuckles has not come back yet as I was gripping the hand rail so tightly. Tapes of Jacobs lectures can be obtained from Moriel Missions College.

Bill Randles Visit

We had the pleasure of having Pastor Bill Randles visit the Bible College for three days were he lectured on Evangelism and Pastoral issues for our new access course. Elijah ministries who brought Pastor Bill to South Africa graciously loaned him to us for the duration and we would like to publicly thank then for their kindness. Tapes of the lectures can be obtained either through ourselves or through Elijah ministries. Please pray that Pastor Bill will be able to return to us next year and maybe take a conference for pastors in Kwazulu or Limpopo.

Moriel Missions College

If I have learnt one lesson its this; Bible Colleges don’t grow on tree’s. It has been formidable work to put into place the administration and teaching material but finally through the help of our good friend Calvin Smith, principal of Midlands Bible College and Divinity School we are a step nearer. Moriel Missions and Midlands Bible College and Divinity School have come into a formal agreement that will benefit both ministries. For the next two years Moriel will operate an access course in theology and missions and will act as a facilitator for Midlands on the African continent.
Moriel will be officially operational from July the 15th when we begin with a pastors convention in Springs, details of which follow. I will be in touch personally with prospective students over the next two weeks, but in the mean time if you would like to know more about the course please email or write for an application form. If you have already filled one in, don’t worry you will be contacted shortly.

Moriel Missions College
Access Course

Designed for those who have not studied theology for some time or not studied theology at all, the access course acts as a foundation for those serious about Biblical studies, hermeneutics, pastoral care and mission. Moriel are currently registering with SAQA and provide material validated in the United Kingdom.

The 31 tape course covers the following

  1. Old Testament Survey
  2. New Testament Survey
  3. Exegesis and Hermeneutics
  4. Introduction to Pastoral Theology
  5. Introduction to Missiology

If you want to know more about our courses please phone or write to our office for more information.

Christian Ministries Association Africa (CMAA)

We are also pleased to announce our renewed contact with DR Alan Nunn who know operates CMA in the UK. It is our hope that we can set up an African office for this ministry here at the College. This will provide a much needed fellowship for African Pastors who find themselves with no one to relate too. We have published a newsletter for pastors in South Africa with the following advert in the hope that we can serve the community of likeminded churches and bring much needed fellowship and training.

Christian Ministers Association (CMA)

International Headquarters:
CMA, Midlands Bible College and Divinity School
St. John’s Square
England WV2 4A1 Contact Dr Alan Nunn

African branch (CMAA)
Moriel Missions College
Po Box 10807
Strubenvale 1570
Springs, Gauteng, South Africa
Tel: 011 362 1026

The Christian Ministerial Association is a Professional body of Clergy and Churches, providing its members with:

  • Ministerial Credentials
  • Evangelical Fellowship
  • Advise and Counsel. Newsletters
  • Conventions and Seminars
  • Directory of Members

We extend the ‘Right Hand’ of fellowship to all Ministers, Evangelists, Missionaries, Pastors and Church/Fellowship Group Leaders of like mind.

For more information please contact our office on 011 362 1026 or email [email protected]

Pastors Seminar

Title: Introduction to the Pastoral ministry
Speaker: Rev David Royle

Dear Friends and colleagues
We are pleased to announce the following training days for those considering the ministry or for those who have been in the ministry for a while but are seeking some formal training.

Subjects will include

  • The call to leadership
  • The leaders life and character
  • The leaders prayer and devotional life
  • The leaders study habits
  • The leaders family and leisure times
  • The perils and privileges of ministry
  • Goals and priorities in leadership
  • Preaching
  • Pastoral care
  • Pastoral practicalities
  • Conducting worship
  • Leadership responsibilities
  • Delegation

    All you have to do is register by Tuesday 1st of July. Please Telephone our Office for registration form 011 362 1026

Limpopo Mission

Dave and Bernard Mathe continue to translate teaching into Northern Sotho and send them to the brethren in Limpopo. Please pray for the next mission visit which will take place from:

Friday 27th June – Monday 30th

We will be taking a team of children’s workers as well as taking five services at Living Christ Bible Church.
We also hope to meet the area chief to present him with a Bible and share the Gospel.
Please pray that this will be a successful trip and that we may see a rich harvest of souls with people ready to be taught and discipled.

We are also trying to obtain a piece of land from the community onto which we will build a mission station. The area is badly in need of a clinic and health education services.

We would also like to see a missionary couple living full time in the area with the objective of building the mission and also training the local people to take over the station in the future. The missionaries will need to be self supporting but we will be able to provide accommodation. People only need apply if they desire to work in primitive conditions as the village has no electric, running water or toilets (Only Longdrops).

Kwazulu Mission

Caleb, Sophie and Salvador continue to work solidly at our mission station. A new Bible study group has opened and Dave will be visiting late May to help them with a recording of a local African Choir. This will be sold in the UK and USA as part of their tent making efforts. If you want to order a copy just email for a price.

Please pray for Salvador. As you know we require our missionaries to be self supporting as we are not in the position to offer support financially ourselves. There is a shortfall of around 60 pounds per month (R700) and we are asking people if they could contribute towards this and keep Salvador on the mission field where he is doing a marvellous job. If you do desire to do this please contact our email and I will pass on your details to him.

Ebyown Children’s Village

Praise God we have some good news to share. A very well timed and generous donation means that we are now in a position where we can realistically look for the farm. We have already viewed several within our price range and will continue to prayerfully look.

We now need to look at obtaining the living quarters for the village. These come in good quality prefab units and are erected for 4000 pounds or R50,000 a piece. They will contain four bedrooms, living room dining area, and bathroom facilities. We also need several park homes to act as school rooms, offices etc. They can be obtained second hand at 600 pounds each or R7000.

Please pray as well for other items such as washing machines, beds, ovens and the general things that make up a home environment.

If you would like more details of what we will need please email us for a list. I am sure that together we can have the village operational by the end of the year or at the very least beginning of 2004.

Wycliffe Associates
Commentaries in Easy English

It is our privilege to announce our cooperation with Wycliffe associates, a ministry devoted to bring good quality study aids to ministers and lay people alike where English is a second or even a third language.

We have available at cost commentaries and study aids that will enhance the teaching ministry of any pastor. We have commentaries on all the gospels, the Pauline letters and even a New Testament overview. Also training aids and Bible studies are available.

If you want to know more contact our office and speak to Pastor Dave Royle or if you wish to speak in an African language Pastor Bernard Mathe.

New Trailer and Generator

Thank the Lord for the provision of a trailer that will take equipment up to Limpopo and across to Kwazulu missions. It will form an important part in all our mission work.

We do however need to fill it. What we need is a 3500watt generator. This will provide power for our mission team and ensure we can use a PA system, provide lights and even show the Jesus film in rural areas. The cost will be around R8000 or 650 pounds. If you feel burdened to help us out in this area, even the donation of a second hand working generator will do, then please contact us.

Prayer Request

Prayer is an important, if not THE important part of our mission. Please prayerfully consider the following.

  • The continued good health of the Royle family
  • Missionaries to assist us in rural Africa
  • Limpopo mission campaign in June
  • Kwazulu mission station and its projects
  • Financial support for Salvador
  • That the missions will be supported financially in general
  • Dave’s visit to Australia in August
  • Ebyown Children’s Village
  • The Ebyown pilot children, Jo, Peewee and Paulina
  • Generator for the missions teams
  • Thanksgiving for His support
  • Thanksgiving for the new trailer
  • Thanksgiving for the capacity to buy the farm
  • Thanksgiving for healing Dave
  • Thanksgiving for his love and mercy in all we have done the last few months.


Thank you for your love, support and giving to this ministry. Did you know last year we were able to undertake 20+ missions into rural Africa. We were able to provide medical aid and a home for our Ebyown children. Plant several ministries and pay every ministry cost for a whole year. You have been generous and kind to us and we thank the Lord for you.

If you desire to continue giving or supporting in some way or would like to be added to our mailing list, here are our contact details.

For ministry support please contact your local Moriel Ministries office nearest you. Moriel USA has an online store where donations can be made as well.

Our South Africa details

Pastor David Royle
Po Box 10807
Strubenvale 1570
South Africa
Tel/Fax: 011 362 1026
Email: [email protected]

Thanks once again for you love and support, we will be in touch again as soon as we have more news.

Dave, Lyn, Anthony, Christopher, Aaron, S’phewi, Johannes and Paulina.

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