Moriel Missions South Africa November 2007

Dear Friends

One of the scriptures that really encourages me in my faith comes from Romans 8:14 ” “

‘For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out Abba Father. The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God and if children heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with him in order that we also be glorified with Him”

Adoption is a word peculiar to Paul by which he describes the position of the believer who has become born again by being purchased through the blood of Christ. We were once orphans due to our estrangement from our heavenly Father caused by our sinful nature. In fact all humanity and nature itself is subjected to futility but thanks to God He sent his son, not only to save us from our sin but also to lavish upon us the greatest privilege of all, to become sons of God and co-heirs with non other but our Lord Yeshua the Messiah.

Adoption was common in Roman society, but also if we are to read the text through the eyes of the reader, adoption was also known to the Jews and also active in the early church. Adoption was used to place a son into a family when there was no heir. Adoption happened when tragedy overwhelmed a family leaving relatives destitute and adoption had privileges as well as responsibilities. When we look at our scripture we now get insight into the great blessing we have by being saved. We are placed by the father, we have great benefits and responsibilities and even though we were outside the family of God, now we are brought in through Christ we become as though a natural part of the family.

This also gives us encouragement concerning our ministry with children who were formerly homeless and fatherless and it also gives me an opportunity to put right a view of these children that I believe is wrong. Let me explain.

I have the privilege of attending and watching on DVD many godly conferences. The other evening I was watching one particular speaker bringing a great message and he began to describe his perception of the work we did at Ebyown. How we worked with aids orphans in Africa. It suddenly struck me that people’s perception was really Victorian. Maybe a view of fatherless kids in dormitories is held, maybe a bit like orphan Annie. That view could not be further from the truth, you see like us as believers, they were once orphans, they were once abandoned, and they were once fatherless. But now they have parents, they are included in the family; they are heirs with full privileges. You see Psalm 68:5-6 still says that God is “a Father to the fatherless” and if we have a Father we are no longer abandoned. So please when you think of Ebyown and our children, don’t think of little orphan Annie or some street waif with big hungry eyes. Think of yourself, as a child of God, an heir and co-heir with Christ. Yes once destitute but now part of a great family.

God Bless
Dave Royle
Director of Missions

Dr. Calvin Smith

As many of you know our friend Calvin gave us a visit in September and did a great job teaching from the word. Calvin is also on our Ebyown board as an advisor and he came also to look at how the work has progressed during the last 3 years. Here is his report:

Report on My Visit to Moriel South Africa

At the invitation of Dave Royle and Aletheia Church, it was my privilege to visit the mission work in Springs, South Africa, and to teach several classes there in September. It was great once again to visit with my good friend Dave, Lyn, the whole family, and Salvador, as well as meet Dianne and Erin. It was also a privilege to meet and spend some time with Marge Godwin of Moriel Australia, as well as spend a day fellowshipping with Jacob, whose visit overlapped mine.

It has been several years since I last visited the work there. That so much has been achieved since then is a credit to Dave’s hard work and vision, the efforts of his entire team, and the faithful support and assistance of friends of Moriel. I recall very clearly the day Dave and I looked around the current plot several years back with a view to acquiring it for the Lord’s work. Since then it has been totally transformed. Land has been cleared, trees and bush felled, derelict structures removed and new outbuildings erected, and a vegetable patch established. There are even several animals on the plot to assist with self-sufficiency, including geese, chickens, and a rather bad-tempered cow. (Actually, I believe this creature is in fact a young bull, but Dave will have none of it! I just pray he is right and I am wrong.) Truly, a great deal of valuable, hard work has transformed the plot for ministry and the upbringing of the Ebyown children.

The number of Ebyown children has increased markedly since I last visited. Every child here brings their own tragic story. Most of these orphans have HIV, and several have other serious ailments also. Meanwhile, many were orphaned in the most tragic of circumstances. Consider, for example, Carlos whose Christian mother visited the Royles shortly before her death so that her child could be brought up in a Christian environment. Other stories are similarly heartbreaking, undoubtedly scarring these young children’s minds for life. But for the work and love of Dave, Lyn, and Ebyown most of these children would not have survived. But not only have they survived, they have also thrived. During my last trip, Prudence had only just been taken in by Ebyown. This little girl was traumatised, unable to speak or communicate, deeply unhappy. Yet today she is talkative (incredibly so!), outgoing, happy, full of fun, and a completely transformed little girl. Paulina has a whole life ahead of her now (something inconceivable some years back). She also has a wicked sense of humour and fun! Meanwhile, Johannes is fast growing up into a sharp, smart young man. Space simply does not permit me to mention every one of the children, but suffice it to say it is indeed a blessing to see how, through the loving, caring Christian upbringing given to these children, they have excelled and thrived These are real lives totally transformed through the work and support of God’s people, whether Dave and his team or others who have taken the ministry to heart as God has seen fit. Yet far from sitting back and patting themselves on the back, Moriel SA continue to strive to help yet more children in even more desperate circumstances. Recently, they took in Deven, a child with cerebral palsy and foetal alcohol syndrome who requires constant attention and care. Yet the love and care he is receiving is already bringing a quality of life inconceivable just a few months ago.

Aside from Ebyown, it was a privilege to speak at Aletheia Church, to greet old friends and make new ones. There is also so much more I could report on, including Moriel’s Bible college work in Tanzania, which has been instrumental in raising up and training many men to pastor and preach the Gospel in that country, together with the weekly evangelistic work by Salvador, Di and other at the shanty town right next to the ministry plot.

Dave and the ministry demonstrate a clear vision and desire to work hard to see it fulfilled. One is reminded how the Scripture describe helping the widow and orphan in their distress as pure and undefiled religion (James 1:27). Their work among children is indeed to be commended, and my prayer is that God raise up others to support and assist this vital ministry, both in prayer and financially. Pray also for the team’s safety as they go about their ministry in a country that has an immense crime problem. (Just a few months ago several of them were held at gunpoint and the car they were travelling in taken.) The ministry’s plot is adjacent to a shanty town where there are immense problems, so it is essential that the rest of us uphold Dave and the others in prayer.

Aside from prayer there are other ways in which you can help Ebyown’s and Moriel’s ministry in South Africa, including giving some of your time to visit and work there. But please note this is a real missionary venture; what Dave and his team need are hard workers prepared to get their hands dirty in basic conditions. ‚   Please also consider having Dave come to your church and share with you what God is doing in South Africa. Finally, seek God concerning how He would have you assist this ministry financially, whether towards the day-to-day running costs of clothing and feeding the children, providing new facilities, or many other needs. Also, the team relies on an ancient van which has now run up many, many thousands of miles transporting the children, for evangelistic outreaches, church work, and so on. It desperately needs replacing, not least because its total lack of power makes it a dangerous vehicle in a place like South Africa, where car jackings are rampant. So I pray God might also lay it on someone’s heart to help in this way.

Please support this vital ministry with your prayers and any financial help God would have you give. It is good to see how a ministry like Moriel, which is so concerned with preaching the truth of God’s work, is also heavily involved in the practical, day-to-day aspect of ministry and missions. It is friends of Moriel who have made this possible.

Dr Calvin L. Smith
Course Director, Midlands Bible College and Divinity School


The children have had a mixed month. The usual coughs and sniffles but one or two concerns too. Deven has not been eating as well as he needs too. We have been told that this is typical of his condition and to be expected but even so its hard to see him lose a little weight. We fear the time may come in the future when he will have to be tube fed and so we are working extra hard to increase his appetite. Paulina had some good news. The foot that has caused us so much concern can be salvaged with an operation. This operation would have to be done privately because of the huge waiting list. But once again our supporters from all over the world rallied to the cause and we now have enough money to go ahead with the operation. We are now waiting for theatre time and some legal papers to be signed and then we will be able to give you a date for the operation. Johannes is now the owner of new glasses. Lyn noticed that his reading was getting a bit behind and so we took him for tests. He now really looks intelligent at his desk.

Ebyown Further Afield

We have some great news. The Lord has prompted a supporter to send a very generous donation that will enable us to start work on two projects in Tanzania and Western Kenya. Ps Norbert ( Tanzania) and Ps Moses ( Kenya) have worked with street kids and those orphaned through aids or famine for years. It has also been my burden to do what we can for these children and provide not only food and clothing but also a loving home for them. In Tanzania application has now gone to the local government at Arusha for 8 acres of land for such a project and I have been able to give Moses the go ahead to purchase land for a similar project that will provide food as well as a training center for skills and evangelism. I have also been able to purchase from the UK three solar power kits for them both as well as a kit for Phumalani who pastors in Kwazulu to enable them to light their homes and charge batteries for domestic use.

The gift was a great encouragement to me personally but we still need to do so much more. If you are encouraged like me and feel a burden for these guys and the work ahead. Here are some of the needs and costs in US Dollars:

  • Generator’s $500
  • Gospel tents seating 300 $4000
  • Domestic animals (Cows, sheep, chickens) $various
  • Solar kits $400 each

I will be visiting Tanzania on the 6th of February. It would be good to give Norbert and Moses a financial gift as well to help support them and their families. If these things burden you then please contact me to place a donation.

Ebyown Work

Its rainy season again and the storms have meant power outages once again. But this will come to an end shortly as a new generator with the capacity to run the whole farm is being installed thanks to the donations from supporters.

Painting of the main building is also to be followed by waxing of the wooden structures over the next month as long as we can get a couple of rain free days. With the rain comes an abundance of grass that the guys are trying to keep on top of. We also found out on our title deeds that we have 7 acres instead of 5 acres. Good news for us but bad news for the guys mowing it. One of our men called Jan, has also been very sick. He has lost a tremendous amount of weight and we have supported him with a private doctor and helped him get to hospital. Please pray for his recovery.


By Dianne Vincent

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Sorry its taken so long to write another newsletter but things have been rather busy around here. Lyn and Dave returned from the UK after their 3 weeks away so our duties in the house have now come to an end. The time with the kids was very special.

Sadly not long after their return I got sick again. This meant I was out of action for another week as recovery was slow. This was the fourth time I had been sick over the year. I am pleased to say that my health is improving now but I am still taking it slowly.

Over the last month we celebrated Angel’s first birthday with her mum, Promise, and the rest of the family. This was a special time and enjoyed by all. Bethesda brought her a hot water bottle covered as a teddy bear and bright coloured balls that every child around enjoyed also.

It was with great pleasure that I could take Marg from the land of Aus over to meet some of the kids and families we have met on Kwazenzele. She gave a lovely gift to the family of 7 children under 5. The twins are growing strong as far as I know. Unfortunately we were unable to entice her to a game of netball…… Shame!!!!!!

Three swedish people are currently staying at Ebyown for a month, they have come to help out with mission work. They are lovely people, full of energy. Their help is much appreciated.

Hannah,Marie-Anne and Jonathan are helping make up gift boxes that we are going to take over to the families and children that are in real need on Kwazenzele. We are making bookmarks with scripture written in Zulu and English. We were given some wonderful hand knitted jumpers from Australia that we are giving out along with coloured pencils, rubbers, soft toys, toothbrushes, rooibos tea, seeds etc. This project was done last year but on a much larger scale however this year I have decided to give them out to individuals rather than have a large tent gathering. This way we can keep it personal with the people we have already formed relationships with.

Lorraine is off on holiday from the week of the 12 – 18th of Nov. So Hannah,Jonathan,Sal and myself will deliver the boxes over that week as the following week I will be off due to the wedding being on the 24th.

Thanks again for all the support and prayers you have given for myself and the families.

Prayer needs

  • For Patience’s and John who work at Ebyown and live on kwazenzele ‚   both are unwell at present.
  • Give thanks for Hannah,Jonathon and Marie-Anne for all their help.

Teaching Material

Chris has had a very busy month and is now becoming settled in his work. Its always good to work to a routine and so we have decided to bring in a delivery promise to our supporters.

From order to posting we have brought in a 5 day promise. Send in your order and as long as you’ve given your address and payment received it will be in the post with a tracking number sent to you in 5 days. Not only that but we are giving away a free gift with every order up to Christmas. A free book, an exposition on the epistle of Jude and two teachings from DR Calvin Smith and Dave Royle.

For all orders or to have a free catalogue sent to you by email contact Chris on the email address on the header.

Dave and Lyn’s Health

Things are improving health wise. Both Lyn and Dave have had post hospital checks now and things are in order. A new working regeim has meant a bit more time relaxing during the day over a coffee or two. Dave is busy now with development work and has stepped down as Pastor of Aletheia. It was a struggle to accept this but while away in the UK we both bumped into our old Pastor Bob King and chatted with him about our health and work load. He reminded us that we cannot do everything and that we needed balance in our lives between work, family and each other. A wise old friend of our shared with us a few years agao that God had given us 24 hours a day and he worked out his day by having 8 hours work, 8 hours sleep and 8 hours family, worship and recreation. I know its difficult but maybe if we all stuck to this we would be a little less anxious. Anyway, your prayers are still valued and we pray that we can be wise with our health decisions. Thank you for your support and love.


Over the coming months I will be doing a serialization of some teachings I am planning of putting into my second book based on a series of sermons I did at Aletheia in South Africa. The Title of the book will be “A life Poured Out” and is a study on the Apostle Paul’s dealings with the believers in Thessalonika. The series will not be as it will appear in the book but is based on transcripts put together by my son Anthony.

Chapter One

Chosen by God

If you have ever worked for the Lord on the mission field or been involved with any kind of evangelism, you will probably know that you never really get to see the fruit of your labours. You can go to a city or a town and teach, preach and baptize, and then moving on or back home you are left with the last impression of the place and a hope in your heart that those who received the gospel will be discipled and grow or that the seed planted in their heart would be watered and nurtured.

This letter to the church at Thessalonica is a lovely example of how Paul was encouraged and likely surprised by the growth and development of a church he had recently planted in very difficult circumstances.

But first let me give you a picture of the city in which Paul ministered to so we can see the underlying situation.

Thessalonica was founded in 300 BC as the city of Thema by Cassander and is now called Salonica, which is in North East Greece.

At the time of Paul’s visit, on his second missionary journey, it was one of the most strategic cities used by God for the development of the gospel throughout the known world and it rated alongside places such as Corinth and Ephesus in its commerce and trade. This meant it was visited by thousands upon thousands of merchants, traders, and all the services they needed from all over the world.

Thessalonica was also placed on what was known as the Egnation way. The Egnation way was the Roman military highway between Italy and the east, which meant traders between Eastern countries, who travelled over land, could do so with relative safety. It also meant the gospel could be spread safely too. This period of peace and stability that enabled the gospel to be spread easily was called the Pax Romana, Rome’s network of roads and military outposts gave opportunity to travellers carrying the gospel of Jesus Christ

Thessalonica had a large Jewish population, the Diaspora (displacement of the Jewish nation over the centuries) meant that most commercial trading ports had a synagogue and a thriving Hellenic Jewish population.

So there was Thessalonica, centre of trade, centre of heathen worship, large Jewish population, rich and vibrant and the local head quarters for the Roman occupying forces. It’s a situation Paul, Timothy and Silas found themselves drawn to by the call of Gods Holy Spirit.

So how precisely did Paul get involved with Thessalonica?

As Paul was going about his ministry he had a vision. Acts 16 v 9-10 says

9And a vision appeared to Paul in the night: There was a man of Macedonia standing, beseeching him, and saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us. 10And when he had seen the vision, straightway we sought to go forth into Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.

In response their first step was Phillipi where they met a young girl possessed by an evil Spirit and who could tell fortunes. We know the story of how they were arrested for freeing the girl of the spirit, thrown into jail and of the subsequent earthquake and conversion of the jail keeper.

The next port of call was Thessalonica, which we can see in Acts 17.

1Now when they had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where was a synagogue of the Jews: 2and Paul, as his custom was, went in unto them, and for three sabbath days reasoned with them from the Scriptures, 3opening and alleging that it behooved the Christ to suffer, and to rise again from the dead; and that this Jesus, whom, said he, I proclaim unto you, is the Christ. 4And some of them were persuaded, and consorted with Paul and Silas, and of the devout Greeks a great multitude, and of the chief women not a few. 5But the Jews, being moved with jealousy, took unto them certain vile fellows of the rabble, and gathering a crowd, set the city on an uproar; and assaulting the house of Jason, they sought to bring them forth to the people. 6And when they found them not, they dragged Jason and certain brethren before the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also; 7whom Jason hath received: and these all act contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, one Jesus. 8And they troubled the multitude and the rulers of the city, when they heard these things. 9And when they had taken security from Jason and the rest, they let them go.

Although they had a little success their general acceptance was less favourable. The central problem occurred when there appeared a mob who threatened their life, which resulted with the trio having to flee to Berea.

To Paul the Evangelist, Thessalonica at large had rejected the gospel message and he and his companions had run out of town . And we see this by Luke’s remarks in Acts 17 v 10.

10 And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Beroea: who when they were come thither went into the synagogue of the Jews.

Paul was sad to leave Thessalonica. His reception had been cold and ultimately violent. He and his partners had to sneak out at night. But later on, after all the experiences and disappointments; from the city of Corinth, he writes, “We give thanks to God always for all of you”. Ch1:2

What had happened? What had caused a changed in their situation that Paul could write “that ye became an ensample to all that believe in Macedonia and in Achaia.”? Ch1:7

I believe that what happened is not only an encouragement for men and women today who maybe do work of an evangelist but who are discouraged ‚   by seemingly little fruit, but that it is also a demonstration of the supernatural power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And if this is you today, maybe discouraged, maybe left apathetic, maybe feeling empty clinging on with your finger nails to a once robust and vibrant faith, then this message is for you.

1 Thess ch 1 v4 says, “knowing brethren, beloved of God, His choice of you”. NASB

I just wonder as Paul escaped at night and finally safe from the violent mob and he settles down to sleep, if he says to himself “phew, what a bunch they were- cold, unresponsive, hostile. I hope God doesn’t call me there again.”

Humanly speaking, it’s so easy to give up on people isn’t it. Today especially it’s easy to get up and walk away, nobody appears to want to give account for their actions or place themselves within a mutually beneficial covenant relationship. We live in the age of the individual. “This is my life! I’ll do things my way and blow the consequences”. That’s what we often hear and unfortunately all to often in the church. It would have been understandable if Paul had left the Thessalonians to live lives devoid of biblical truth but I’m so glad today that God is not like that. No matter what Paul thought of them, or we ourselves think of others, the Thessalonians were “beloved by God”.

The Lord saw in them something which maybe Paul himself had not fully discerned as he sped away at night. Within them, waiting to be released by God, was the capacity a few years later to be “examples to others”. Why? Because they were Gods choice. For the word choice, Strong has this to say:

ek-log-ay’; from (1586) ; (divine)

selection (abstract or concrete): ” ” chosen, election.

When I read that some years ago, amid a whole selection of family circumstances that threatened to overwhelm me, I understood for probably the first time the reality that God had chosen me and I wept.

God chose me. So often we assume that it is we who take the initiative but it isn’t, it is God. And despite my presumptions in this area, despite the fact that I’m a sinner, despite our vices and unholiness we can say God chose me. Romans 5 v 8 has these lovely words-

But God commendeth his own love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

But why would God choose you and I? It doesn’t make sense, does it? Here we are sinful, often rebellious, getting up to all kinds of mischief and God said you are chosen. What’s more remarkable is that God cannot look upon sin. He’s a Holy God who is completely set apart from all that is sinful and yet He loved the world so much He took the initiative, became like us, bore all our sin upon Himself, taking on Himself the righteous judgement of the Father, died and rose again.

No amount of works, no amount of good deeds, no amount of religious thought can cleanse you or I from sin. It has to be the demonstration of Gods love towards us, the shedding of His sons own blood that washes us clean.

What then does this say to us? I believe it says two things.

First of all it tells me that despite what I may feel about myself I am very special to God. I don’t deserve to be, none of us do. But because of His grace he saw something in you and I worth dying for.

That has to effect the way you and I think about ourselves, and the way you and I think about and treat other people and especially how we relate to God. It means we serve one another, pray with one another, laugh and cry together, respect each other, make each others life a joy when ever you can. Stop any gossiping, encourage instead of pulling down, build instead of demolish. Treat each other warmly, gently, generously, as though they are the better person.

Secondly it tell me I know I have to respond to God, I know that after all He has given, He has to be responded to. God in His mercy chose you and I. God in His compassion sent His one and only son. God in His generosity offers me free of charge, eternal life with Him, if I accept Jesus as my Lord and pick up my cross and follow Him.

Am I to respond to that by saying; “No Lord, I reject you value of me, I reject the sacrifice of Jesus, I reject the cross, I desire it my way”? Yet so many do. The people of our towns delude themselves if they think they can do it their way. “Unless an a man is born again, He cannot see the kingdom of God” says John. And today if anyone believes he can receive eternal life by works or good deeds or spiritual brownie points or that God is so loving that he won’t send those who reject His free offer of salvation into the pits of Hell, then they’re wrong.

The God of the bible is a righteous God who hates sin.

Psalm 97 v 6, “The heavens declare his righteousness, And all the peoples have seen his glory.”

Isaiah 59 v 2 ‚   “but your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, so that he will not hear”

The God of the bible is a jealous God who won’t share His Lordship with another.

Exodus 20:5, “Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them, for I Jehovah thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, upon the third and upon the fourth generation of them that hate me,”

The God of the bible is a just God who demands satisfaction for our rebellion against Him-

Zechariah 9 v 9, “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy king cometh unto thee; he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, even upon a colt the foal of an ass.”

But also the God of the bible is a merciful God, who gave us Jesus and says through His death “I am completely satisfied, trust and follow Him and inherit eternal life as my child.

“And Jehovah passed by before him, and proclaimed, Jehovah, Jehovah, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in lovingkindness and truth, keeping lovingkindness for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin; and that will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children, upon the third and upon the fourth generation.” Exodus 34:6-7

To the apostle Paul the Thessalonians were nothing special but the reality was “they were beloved by God and chosen by Him”. This truth has many applications in mission. I remember many years ago as a young man being asked to share my testimony at an evening service. I was young inexperienced but had the passion of my first love. There were some visitors in the congregation and so I nervously shared of my journey to faith in Jesus. It was an event that quickly sped to the back of my mind. Nobody really commented on my testimony and so I forgot my time of sharing, in fact I was a little disappointed that nobody listening had responded in some real way to my message.

Six or seven years later I was visiting another church fellowship. After the service an elderly lady came and introduced herself to me. She explained that we had met several years earlier and that after hearing my testimony she had decided to follow Jesus.

We live in a world that wants instant results and instant success. This has crept into the church and unless hands are raised and heads bowed at the end of a service it is deemed unsuccessful by many. We almost apologise and pray, asking the Holy Spirit to be the after preacher. We almost forget that the gospel is a seed planted in the hearts and minds of individuals and sometimes that seed has to be nurtured and grown.

The truth is we never really know the effects of our preaching and sharing; this is Gods domain. Paul had the same experience, how his heart must have lept for joy as he remembered his struggles at Thessalonica and now to see what the Lord can do with a few well chosen men.

Contacts UK

Mr & Mrs B Royle
2 Cressington Close
Off Cedric Street
Salford M55JS
Tel: 0161 737 2996
Email: [email protected]

Moriel SA

PO Box 10807
Dave Royle [email protected]
Chris Royle [email protected]
Lyn and Ebyown [email protected]
Web Site: &
Fax 086 640 2879
Cell: 082 3739297

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