Latest Addition to EBYOWN

Dear Friends

Please can we introduce you to Singqobile,,   a 4 year old little girl who we have been promised for months but who through ill health has spent most of that time in Hospital. She is a girl with many needs as she was born with no aesophagous and is tube fed. The tube she has is not correct, in fact it is a urinary caphiter that has been adapted and this has caused infections.
We have already contacted the same company that fitted Simpiwe with what is called a ‘Micky’ and they have promised to come and do the procedure here ay Ebyown for the cost of the appliance alone.
When we first met her she was so full of life and energy, but because of the time in a government hospital, lack of stimulation and family she has begun to institutionalise and is quite sad. Please pray that the coming month will see her put on weight and settle down into family life.
Thank you for your prayers and support
In Jesus

Dave and Lyn
Psalm 68:5-6

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