by Charley Carle That old struggle to domineer! The LDS hierarchy is trying to silence Christians through a weak point of censorship. The news likened it to Goliath (the Philestine) […]
by Charley Carle ” Happy is that people, whose God is the LORD” Psalm 144:15. This indicates if a person’s God is the LORD, Jehovah, he will be happy. If […]
by Charley Carle Religious ‘Bait-and-Switch’! Are the media campaigns reality or just rhetoric? LDS TV ads appeal to the emotions and portray an appearance of true Christianity. So what are […]
by Charley Carle JOSEPH SMITH SAW AN ANGEL IN THE FIRST VISION not Jesus, according to Brigham Young. “But He did send His angel to this same obscure person, Joseph […]
by Charley Carle Prohibitions of the Society Many things are condemned by the Watchtower and could be discussed. All holidays as Christmas, birthdays, Easter, Mothers Day, St. Patrick’s Day and […]
by Charley Carle Religious ‘Bait-and-Switch’! Are the media campaigns reality or just rhetoric? LDS TV ads appeal to the emotions and portray an appearance of true Christianity. So what are […]
by Charley Carle For those who study Mormonism, here are several problems with the Moroni story. He allegedly appeared to Joseph Smith as an angel of light. “And no marvel; […]
by Charley Carley The Jehovah’s Witnesses JESUS is little, weak and DIFFERENT from the Jesus of the Bible! 2 Cor. 11:4. Their Jesus is simply AN ANGEL. J.W.’s DO NOT […]
by Charley Carle The Long Abuse of Dark-skinned People! RACISM is strong in Salt Lake City! The only Indian from the General Authority of The Church of Jesus Christ of […]
by Charley Carle I asked a Mormon missionary today, “Do you think there are any Quakers on Mars?” He just didn’t know either way. I wondered since Joseph Smith said […]