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Ep. 80 CUWJ: Controlling Your Humanity

Excerpt from Catching Up with Jacob Episode 80 | It’s All About Control Marco and Jacob discuss Yuval Harari and his ideas about hacking humans, the digital world, what your […]

Catching Up with Jacob | It’s All About Control | Ep. 80

Catching Up With Jacob | Episode 80 | It’s All About Control In this episode Jacob and Marco tackle the climate change migration crises, gay children, Joe Biden, Israel and […]

Ep. 79 CUWJ: Another Rise of Super Powers

Excerpt from Catching Up with Jacob Episode 79 | Does It Ever End? Marco and Jacob discuss the new found relationship between Russia and China an what it could mean […]

Ep. 79 CUWJ: New and Old Troubles

Excerpt from Catching Up with Jacob Episode 79 | Does It Ever Stop? In this two-part episode, Marco and Jacob first discuss the New Troubles in Australia with their new […]

Ep. 79 CUWJ: Salt and Light or Evil Blight

Excerpt from Catching Up with Jacob Episode 79 | Does It Ever Stop? Marco and Jacob touch briefly on the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, Pelosi’s communion woes, and the […]

Ep. 79 CUWJ: The Cost of Accepting Insanity

Excerpt from Catching Up with Jacob Episode 79 | Does It Ever End? Marco and Jacob discuss the insanity of accepting the social justice demands and the affects that acceptance […]