Videos428 Videos

Ep. 78 CUWJ: The Changing Church

Excerpt from Catching Up with Jacob Episode 78 | Special Episode with Sandy Simpson, Marco and Sandy discuss changes in the church that leaves true believer wondering where to go […]

Ep.82 CUWJ: Who’s Behind This Nightmare

Excerpt from Catching Up With Jacob Episode 82 | Is There Any Light in This Darkness Marco and Jacob have some ideas who is actually causing inflation and food shortages.

Ep. 86 CUWJ: Around the World in 38 Minutes

Excerpt from Catching Up With Jacob | Episode 86 | The Animals are Running the Zoo. Marco and Jacob discuss take a look at current events from around the world… […]

CUWJ 96: Conspiracy Theory or Planned Agenda

Excerpt from Catching UP With Jacob Episode 96 | Welcome to the New Normal In this Bit, Marco and Sandy discuss the WEF’s desire to correct the world’s wrongs with […]