0 Jacob’s Take on AOC I have always stated that AOC’s arrogance is eclipsed only by her idiocy, but this is beyond being an imbecile. James Kitazaki August 8, 2024 0 0
0 Answering Bad Pretrib Arguments No 4 Are The Great Trib & The Day of The LORD The Same? Part 2. James Kitazaki December 8, 2023 188 0
1 Responding to Bad Pretrib Arguments No. 3. Are the Day of the LORD and the Great Trib the same? James Kitazaki December 8, 2023 52 0
0 Responding To Bad Pretrib Arguments No. 2: Does Luke 21 Really “Ruin” Prewrath? James Kitazaki December 8, 2023 104 0