A visitor to the Moriel website wrote in an email: Shalom Jacob. You wrote an excellent article on Christian Cults, and my family commend you for the biblical principles applied […]
March 2011 by Paul Wilkinson Christian Palestinianism and the anti-Israel Crusade Please click here to read the article “Prophets Who Prophesy in My Name” in a pdf file
A Reader Sent the Following Question: I am sorry to trouble you with this question but hope you can help. I am in the process of having to deal with […]
These assertions are frankly silly. Whether they relate to Walid’s newfound role as an apologist for Roman Catholicism (therefore wanting to discount Rome as villainous) we do not know, but […]
A reader submitted the following question: Dear Jacob, Can you explain why the firstborn donkey should be redeemed with a lamb, or its neck broken? “But every first offspring of […]
SORTING FACT FROM FICTION What does the Word of God Actually Say About Midrash? “Now the remainder of the deeds of of Abijah, and his ways and words are written […]
Question: Do Jews Really Believe That Lileth Is A Notorious Demon ? Jacob’s Answer: Thank you for your question. Lilith is listed as an animal Isaiah 34 and as a […]
Jacob, My wife asked me a question about Matt 24:24, “..so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.” I can’t yet make sense of the Greek tenses, voices, […]