by Pat Franklin I wonder if I am the only person to have left the Catholic Church twice., The first time was as a college student in America in 1964 […]
By Amir Butler (Amir Butler is executive director of the Australian Muslim Public Affairs Committee (AMPAC)) Peter Costello was quite correct in his National Day of Thanksgiving address to […]
But I have another question: if “Yasha”yah Hanawbe” ” Isaiah the prophet in chapter 11 said €¦The nations will resort to the root of Jesse €¦ €¦the “sores Yisay“.. €¦the […]
Daily Mirror, UK, 3rd January 2003 By Christopher Hitchens In the good old/bad old days, the procedure for making a former human being into a saint was well understood. There […]
According to Mark Miravalle, President of Vox Populi STEUBENVILLE, Ohio, OCT. 31, 2002 ( The Pope’s new apostolic letter “Rosarium Virginis Mariae” (The Rosary of the Virgin Mary) has rekindled […]
Let us begin, please, with my first question. In the first epistle of St. John 1 :7 we read that the blood of Christ cleanses from all sin. The blood […]
A Pakistani poured kerosene over his sleeping wife and daughter and burned them to death in the country’s latest example of so-called honour killings, police said today.