We are including this article from Dr. Robert Gagnon because we are gravely concerned that the Intelligentsia leaders of New Calvinism are leading the Reformed World into leftist progressivism, and […]
Blessings & Thank you for your questions regarding David Nathan whom we all at Moriel like and love and whose separation from Moriel we frankly regret.
by Tony Carnes posted 9/19/2008 11:53AM Financial meltdown triggers prayer sessions citywide Starting early last Sunday morning, the turmoil in New York ‘s financial markets triggered a spiritual response among […]
To begin with Israel happens to be God’s CHOSEN PEOPLE, a privilege that no other nation on this earth can affirm having and at the same time it is surrounded […]
Shi’a Muslims have been taking part in the religious ceremony of Ashura which commemorates the death of the Imam Hussein at the battle of Kerbala in 680 AD.