Marco Quintana180 Videos

CUWJ 95: Executive Disorder

In this excerpt from Catching up with Jacob | Episode 95 | Executive Purge, we look at two of the most nefarious of Biden’s executive orders plus the chaos that […]

Ep.82 CUWJ: Who’s Behind This Nightmare

Excerpt from Catching Up With Jacob Episode 82 | Is There Any Light in This Darkness Marco and Jacob have some ideas who is actually causing inflation and food shortages.

Catching Up With Jacob | The World is Full of Sickos | Ep. 87

Catching Up With Jacob Episode 87 | The World is Full of Sickos is a political commentary show from a Biblical perspective. In this episode, Marco and Jacob discuss the […]

CUWJ Ep 92: Jacob Under Fire

Excerpt from Catching UP With Jacob Episode 92 | How Long Must We Suffer With Them? In this episode Marco asks Jacob our livestream viewer’s questions. Catching Up With Jacob […]

Ep. 81 CUWJ: Someday Deconstructing the Family Will End

Excerpt from Catching Up With Jacob Episode 81 | Someday All This Will End, Marco and Jacob discuss pride month.