Marco Quintana180 Videos

Ep. 79 CUWJ: The Cost of Accepting Insanity

Excerpt from Catching Up with Jacob Episode 79 | Does It Ever End? Marco and Jacob discuss the insanity of accepting the social justice demands and the affects that acceptance […]

CUWJ Ep. 87: A Very Convenient Lie

Excerpt from Catching Up With Jacob | Episode 86 | The World is Full of Sickos Marco and Jacob discuss how the Democrat party have taken an inconvenient “truth” and […]

CUWJ Ep 94: Two Historic Events

Excerpt from Catching UP With Jacob Episode 94 | The World is Falling to Pieces This episode has Jacob and Marco discussing 9/11 and the death of Queen Elizabeth II. […]

Catching up with Jacob | Executive Purge | Ep. 95

Catching up with Jacob | Episode 95 | Executive Purge Welcome to our 95th episode! In this episode Jacob and Marco talk about two of the most nefarious of Joe […]

Ep.82 CUWJ: Jesus the Only Light in the Darkness

Excerpt from Catching Up With Jacob Episode 82 | Is There Any Light in This Darkness Marco and Jacob discuss Rick Warren’s final words to the SBC, and explain what […]

CUWJ Ep 91: Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

Excerpt from Catching UP With Jacob Episode 91 | What Are They Thinking. In this episode, Marco and Jacob discuss the comments made by ultra-leftist Sam Harris; Liz Cheney’s defeat […]

CUWJ Ep 91: This Will Not End Well

Excerpt from Catching UP With Jacob Episode 91 | What Are They Thinking. In this episode, Marco and Jacob talk nuclear war potential with Russia teaming up with Iran and […]

CUWJ Ep. 87: Jacob Under Fire

Excerpt from Catching Up With Jacob | Episode 86 | The World is Full of Sickos Live viewers send in their questions for Jacob, then, at the end of the […]

Ep. 78 CUWJ: Getting to Know Sandy

Excerpt from Catching Up with Jacob Episode 78 | Special Episode with Sandy Simpson, Marco is joined by apologetics specialist and teacher, Sandy Simpson. In this Bit, we learn more […]