James Jacob Prasch575 Videos

CUWJ 95: Finger on the Button

Excerpt from Catching up with Jacob | Episode 95 | Executive Purge. In this episode looks at the ever increasing instability and current wars and potential conflicts that are brewing […]

CUWJ 95: In the RED!

In this excerpt from Catching up with Jacob | Episode 95 | Executive Purge, Jacob and Marco talk about the insanely named ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ and the rise in inflation, […]

CUWJ 95: Red Heifer and the Reproach of Christ

In this teaching, given in Melbourne, Australia in 2014, Jacob explains the significance, meaning and typology of the sacrifice of the red heifer in relation to Christ.

CUWJ 95: Red Heifers Arrive in Israel

In this excerpt from Catching up with Jacob | Episode 95 | Executive Purge, Jacob and Marco discuss the arrival of 5 red heifers in Tel Aviv this past week.