TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN – Moriel update: July 29, 2016

Contrary to baseless reports being circulated on feminist blog sites calling themselves “Christian” , neither Moriel or its leadership have issued any apology for our doctrinal opposition to this feminism of the secular world infiltrating the Body of Christ under the clear influence of Satan. The doctrinal ignorance reflected on these feminist blogs is unmistakably evident as is the fact that their feminist rants are fuelled by emotionally charged outbursts reflecting the demonic Jezebel spirit where the husbands submit to their wives in an abrogation of God’s order.

Moriel recognizes the indispensable  role of women in ministry in the Body of Christ , including in leadership and teaching ministry to other women as well as in deaconship, and exercising charismatic gifts in scriptural order which includes ministering under the authority of protective male covering , and as help mates to their husbands.  To this end, Moriel additionally has also funded the ministry of various women and sponsored women’s conference events and continues to do so. There are in fact also two Moriel branches administrated by women whom we doctrinally classify as deaconesses. We also continue to sanction the excellent women’s ministries of notable figures such as Johanna Michaelson, Caryl Matriciana, and a number of Precept women discipled by the teaching of Kay Arthur. There are indeed a number of women’s ministries  who deserve our prayers, support, and endorsement – but neither the Paula White, Cindy Jacobs, and Joyce Meyer houses of heresy, the lunatic fringe “Women’s Aglow” or the cultic “End times Handmaidens of The Lord” movement, or their first cousins – the blogging pseudo Christian feminist Jezabel clubs are among them.

We also however stand by the unambiguous scriptural teaching that leadership is male and that women cannot teach doctrine to mixed congregations or function as pastors. When God uses an Esther, there is always a Mordecai. When God uses a Deborah, there is always a Barak, and when God uses a Priscilla, there is an Aquila. Where there is an Ahab however, there is also a Jezebel.

The husband is the head of the wife as Christ is head of the church (Ephesians 5:22-23). This is God’s position, and thus it is therefore also ours. This is the unambiguous teaching of God’s Word and we unapologetically abide by it.

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