Famous Beatles Guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Dies

by Caryl Matrisciana

Indian, self proclaimed godman, Founder of the famous 60″s Transcendental Meditation movement, died of natural causes, in his sleep, at his 200-room mansion in the Netherlands on Tuesday, February 5th http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/7229597.stm

His Obituary

For more info visit Caryl’s blog http://carylmatrisciana.com/blog/?cat=6

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, “enlightened”  ‚   teacher of Hinduism, credited with introducing the English “Fab-Four”  Beatles (and many Hollywood actors and music celebrities) to the ancient Vedic-tradition of Yoga consciousness and Eastern meditation, was the most influential international “master”  in spreading worldwide eastern mysticism’s message of “the kingdom within” .

“Kingdom Within”  theology is today being aggressively promoted in the Church in yogic practices re-termed “Christian Yoga” , “Contemplative Prayer” , “Breath Prayer” , and the repetitive mention or focus of Biblical terms. These techniques, and more, are said to bring one into “the presence of God”  ” “ but not the God of the Bible according to Biblical teachings. Regardless, mainstream churches, publishers of Christian literature, Christian Ministries and organization are embracing mysticism’s practices legitimized because so-called “Church Fathers”  (mainly Roman Catholic mystics) practiced them.

Author Caryl Matrisciana, expert in world religions/Hinduism/yoga and producer of well-acclaimed DVD “YOGA UNCOILED: From East to West”  is available ‚   to speak on your radio program and discuss Yoga/Hinduism spirituality’s infiltration into the church, pastors conferences, education, business, medicine and more.

Today, leaders and promoters of the Emerging/Emergent Church agenda also target mainline churches, Christian teachers and ministries with a “new Christianity” , “reinvented” , “re-imagined” , for a new post-modern generation who are supposedly bored with traditional Christianity, its doctrines and end-time prophecies. http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/index.php?p=930&more=1&c=1

Orthodox Hindus take issue with Christians attempting to “Christianize”  eastern spirituality. http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/index.php?p=526&more=1&c=1

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