Moriel Ministries Canada

Moriel Canada Urgent Ministry News & Information

Hi, welcome to Moriel Canada,

We are in the process of setting up the  Canadian  branch of the Ministry, so please be patient as this  develops. We have at present  an post office box, office  and bank account if you were wanting to write to us (or support us)  as we  grow in  our profile. Our email address is
[email protected]

There is also a  temporary webpage where you can also  leave a message or  comments. Be sure to to “like” us if you have a Facebook profile
Moriel Canada  
4909 49 street
PO Box 1122
Alberta  T9S 1A0

780 675 2333

Blessings in Yeshua

Steven Boot (Ztiv)

Administrator Moriel Canada  

 NEWS: Jacob Prasch is coming to Canada ! August 15th -17th Abbotsford, BC. Learn to Discern Conference. See  or contact ourselves for details.

Aug 18th – Riverside Calvary Chapel at Langley Meadows Community School (2244 Willoughby Way) Langley, BC

Moriel Canada Newsletter Sept 2013

Steve and Inger”s Biography

Was born in Portsmouth England, but having a Naval Father meant being raised across the U.K. and the world in various ports and bases including Singapore. The Lord ,  saved ,  me at age 16 by the witness of Jewish believers whilst working in a restaurant (The first time on hearing the gospel). Then through  God’s supernatural intervention I ended up going to seminary at London Bible College, earning a degree in Theology where I co-led the campus Prayer for Israel group with Jacob Prasch. Ministered then in a number of short term projects, including Iceland and various other Scandinavian countries.

Met Inger, my  wife, at a missions base in Norway 1992. Two weeks after our marriage we were pastoring amongst the Inuit (Eskimo) people”s in the  Canadian Arctic. I Spent the next nine years at various mission posting across the Northwest Territories, ending up in the high  Arctic close to the Alaskan Border near the North Pole. Then after a spell in the Canadian military post 9/11, returned to the pastoral ministry. I left the Anglican ministry due to a series of serious doctrinal and moral differences on a range of issues from not accepting infant baptism to my objecting to homosexual ordination. Inger, my  wife, was raised in a Christian Home in Kristiansand, Norway. She follows in her father”s footsteps of ministering through music and Christian song.

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Prayer Requests

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Repeated Debate Challenge

Jacob Prasch wishes to repeat his challenge to publicly debate Anglican Stephen Sizer on Sizer’s contentions that Zionism is apartheid and that the modern state of Israel does not fulfill biblical prophecy.   As an Anglican in a church ordaining homosexual clergy and with a Druid Arch Bishop of Canterbury now calling for Britain to integrate elements of Islamic Sharia, anti Zionists like Sizer in a church with a pro Islamic hierarchical agenda must be challenged.

We are compelled by the evidence to regard Sizer as hypocritical and biblically ignorant and would relish the opportunity to demonstrate this in public debate before a video camera in a properly moderated format.      

It is also difficult for us not to additionally suspect Sizer of being a pseudo-academic fraud, but he at least deserves the opportunity to demonstrate otherwise in a public forum.

In view of the widespread persecution of Arab, Persian, Asian, and African Christians throughout the Moslem world it is nothing short of ludicrous that Sizer continually targets Israel as the perpetrator of injustice when Israel is the solitary country in The Middle East assuring the rights and security of its Christian population.

Our expectation is that Sizer will continue to run as usual. This however simply  serves to underscore the indefensible implausibility of his pseudo-scholarly and pseudo-biblical antics.

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