Thailand Update August 2016

Jacob’s Trip
It was a blessing to see Jacob here last month.  He preached a message on Sunday, which I thought was an excellent message.  It’s uploaded to YouTube here…
Women’s Prison
The following day we went to the Women’s Prison to hold a church service there.  About 150 ladies were there.  The praise and worship was really uninhibited, and there were lots of “Amens” during the messages also.  It’s different from going to a typical Thai worship service outside, where they might have a lot of noise, but the atmosphere is different.  Jacob preached there about the Last Days, and I translated.  With time constraints it was a fairly short message, but really got them interested in the topic (which we hope to teach about more month by month), talking about “birth pangs,” which many of them could relate to, as this is a biblical metaphor used regarding the End Times.
One of the ladies in our weekly English class there showed a strong interest in the gospel.  Please pray for her and others who may not outwardly show an interest, but who are thinking nonetheless.
Shan Camp
We went to a Shan work camp not far from our house and gave them a lamb to eat.  Jallay preached in Shan about the Passover and how Jesus is the Lamb of God.  After that we gave an invitation and about ten of the adults raised their hands to pray with us.  In Thai/Burmese culture this may or may not mean they really were touched and want to get right with God.  Sometimes people may raise their hands just to be friendly or because the message sounded good, but not necessarily that they will commit their lives fully to Jesus.  We need to follow up with them.
Khae’s Testimony
Khae had a chance to share her testimony in English last month and she spent about 6 hours writing it out again.  The way she wrote it this time I thought was really good.  I’m attaching that here.
Also, here are some pictures of Micah with Jacob and also of our time at the prison.  We went to a friend’s birthday party last month and I prayed for him.  During the prayer Micah said “Amen” all throughout the prayer.  I think Micah’s a pentecostal ?

Peace in Christ,

Scott, Khae, and Micahberekiah


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